NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Trinity / NERSC-8 RFP


A draft of the Technical Requirements for the Trinity and NERSC-8 platforms have been released to the vendor community for comment.  The Draft Technical Requirements will be available for comment until 4PM Mountain Standard Time January 17, 2013.  A full RFP package is expected to be released in Q2 2013.

LANL RFI Website

RFI Cover Letter

Trinity-NERSC-8 Draft Technical Requirements

Interested Offerors must submit all communication (questions, comments, etc.) about the Trinity / NERSC-8 RFP to the following address: 

Interested Offerors are advised to monitor this web site and the LANL website for potential Trinity / NERSC-8 RFP amendments and other Trinity / NERSC-8 RFP updates. Interested Offerors who have previously contacted ACES and/or LBNL and expressed an interest in the Trinity / NERSC-8 RFP may be notified of updated Trinity/NERSC-8 RFP information via e-mail; however, ACES / LBNL is under no obligation to do so. It is the responsibility of all interested Offerors to monitor this Web site for current Trinity / NERSC-8 RFP information.


NERSC-8 Procurement Background Information