NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NERSC HPC Requirements Published Reports

These publications comprise the final reports from the HPC requirements reviews presented to the Department of Energy.


  • NERSC-BER-WorkshopReport.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Biological and Environmental Research Workshop Report
  • NERSC-HEP-WorkshopReport.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for High Energy Physics Workshop Report
  • NERSC-BES-WorkshopReport.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Basic Energy Sciences Workshop Report
  • NERSC-ASCR-WorkshopReport.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Advanced Scientific Computing Research Workshop Report
  • NERSC-FES-WorkshopReport.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Fusion Energy Sciences Workshop Report
  • NERSC-NP-WorkshopReport.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Nuclear Physics Research Workshop Report