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2012 Build Your Job Hunting Skills

On June 15, I hosted the third annual “Build Your Skills: A Job Hunter’s Guide to Success” workshop at Jefferson Community and Technical College to help Louisvillians obtain and strengthen the skills they need to take full advantage of new opportunities as our economic recovery continues. Residents of the Third Congressional District attended workshops and one-on-one interview trainings to brush up on their skills, and they heard directly from employment experts about the skills employers look for when hiring new workers.

Hundreds of Louisvillians attended my two previous Build Your Skills workshops, and this year was no different. People from across the community told me they left the workshops feeling inspired and better equipped to land the job they wanted. You can see what they said for yourself by clicking here.

Below you will find links to Louisville-based resource providers, as well as some of the presentations offered at this year's event.





Build Your Skills 2012 PowerPoint Presentations:

Networking From Your Computer (06/18/12 11:08 AM PST)
How to use social media in your job search
Hitting Your Target (06/18/12 11:07 AM PST)
How to conduct an employer-focused job search