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Partners Funded by USAID

The U.S. Agency for International Development funds HIV/AIDS projects around the world. The list below represents projects receiving funding from USAID's Bureau for Global Health. Thousands of other organizations receive funding through USAID Missions and small grants.

    Abt Associates
    Through the Partnerships for Health Reform project, Abt provides state of the art knowledge, approaches and tools in the area of costing, financing and organization of HIV/AIDS services.

    Academy for Educational Development
    AED provides technical assistance in behavior change, nutrition, and breastfeeding, as well as analysis and research for Africa.

    Adventist Development and Relief Agency
    Present in more than 120 countries worldwide, ADRA provides individual and community development and disaster relief without regard to political or religious association, age or ethnicity.

    American Red Cross
    Governed by volunteers and supported by community donations, the American Red Cross is a nationwide network of nearly 1,000 chapters and Blood Services regions dedicated to saving lives and helping people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.

    Bureau of the Census
    The US Bureau of the Census maintains the HIV/AIDS Surveillance Database, provides demographic and economic models of the impact of HIV/AIDS in urban and rural areas of the developing world, and disseminates information through a variety of publications and presentations.

    CARE builds service delivery networks of non-governmental organizations and health care providers to strengthen the ability of those providers to deliver HIV prevention and reproductive health services.

    Catholic Relief Services
    CRS operates on five continents and in over 90 countries, aiding the poor by first providing direct assistance where needed, then encouraging these people to help with their own development.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    CDC provides technical expertise in design, implementation, and evaluation to international HIV/AIDS programs.

    Centre for Development and Population Activities
    CEDPA works to strengthen women's capabilities for informed and autonomous decision making to improve reproductive health.

    Chemonics International
    Chemonics International is a global consulting firm promoting economic growth and higher living standards in developing countries.

    Commercial Market Strategies
    The CMS project of Deloitte & Touche increases the use of quality products and services for family planning and prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections through private sector partners and commercial strategies.

    The CONRAD project of the Eastern Virginia Medical School supports research on contraceptive methods, microbicides and other products to prevent HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.

    CORE Initiative
    The CORE Initiative partners with community and faith-based groups to advance multi-sectoral responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic through grants, capacity building and networking.

    Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
    The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is a non-profit organization that identifies, funds, and implements pediatric HIV/AIDS research.

    EngenderHealth provides technical assistance and training to build local capacity in the following areas: reducing stigma and discrimination in health settings, infection prevention, improving the quality of HIV/STI prevention and treatment services, voluntary counseling and testing, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, integration of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS services, and reducing gender inequity, including male involvement.

    Family Health International
    Through its IMPACT project, FHI designs, manages, monitors and provides technical support to regional and/or country specific HIV/AIDS program interventions. FHI's Youthnet project improves reproductive health and helps prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among people 10 to 24 years old. FHI also partners with USAID for the development of microbicides for HIV/AIDS prevention.

    Food for the Hungry
    Food for the Hungry was founded in 1971 and helps some of the world's most disadvantaged people in 47 countries through child development programs, agriculture and clean-water projects, health and nutrition programs, education, micro-enterprise loans and emergency relief.

    FreshMinistries is an ecumenical, non-profit organization that focuses on economic development and neighborhood restoration in the core city and spiritual and racial reconciliation throughout the community.

    Futures Group
    Through its POLICY project, Futures Group helps build a supportive policy environment for HIV/AIDS, family planning and reproductive health programs by encouraging policies and plans that promote and sustain access to quality information and services.

    Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
    The purpose of the Fund is to attract, manage and disburse additional resources through a new public-private partnership that will make a sustainable and significant contribution to the reduction of infections, illness and death, thereby mitigating the impact caused by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in countries in need, and contributing to poverty reduction as part of the Millennium Development goals.

    HOPE worldwide
    HOPE worldwide is a non-profit charity, serving more than two million needy people with a global pool of committed volunteers, and is a registered private voluntary organization with USAID.

    Initiatives, Inc.
    Initiatives Inc. provides technical assistance to government, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations in the social service sectors, primarily in the developing world.

    International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
    IAVI is an international, scientific non-governmental organization dedicated to ensuring the development of safe, effective, accessible, preventive AIDS vaccines for use throughout the world.

    International Center for Research on Women
    ICRW conducts research on HIV/AIDS -related stigma, HIV prevention for adolescents, and improving access to women-controlled methods of HIV prevention.

    International HIV/AIDS Alliance
    The International HIV/AIDS Alliance mobilizes and strengthens non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations to respond to HIV/AIDS, improves the quality of their work, and documents and shares lessons about community mobilization and NGO strengthening of non-governmental organizations.

    International Youth Foundation
    Currently operating in close to 70 countries and territories, IYF and its partners have helped millions of young people gain the skills, training and opportunities critical to their success.

    Internews, a nonprofit organization that fosters independent media, addresses HIV/AIDS issues through public service announcements, television and radio program production, journalism training, and other activities.

    Intrah develops systems for training and education to improve the performance of health care providers in reproductive health, including family planning and prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.

    Johns Hopkins University
    USAID partners with Johns Hopkins University to provide a variety of HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive health activities, including behavior change communication, health care provider training, and maternal and neonatal health interventions.

    John Snow Inc.
    The DELIVER project provides commodity management support to USAID activities to improve the availability of health commodities such as condoms, contraceptives and other essential drugs at service delivery points.

    Macro International Inc.
    Through the Demographic and Health Surveys (MEASURE DHS) project, Macro improves the ability of developing countries to collect, use and disseminate population and health data, including data on biological testing, such as HIV prevalence; HIV/AIDS data is available on the HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database.

    Management Sciences for Health
    MSH provides technical assistance in management and leadership of health services, improves the efficiency, equity, and quality of drug management in developing countries, and improves quality and accessibility of reproductive health programs in Africa in the context of high HIV/AIDS prevalence.

    Opportunity International
    Opportunity International works through indigenous partner organizations to
    provide small business loans, training and counsel for people in chronic

    Pact, Inc.
    Pact's Community REACH program awards small grants to community- and faith-based organizations engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support activities.

    Peace Corps
    The Peace Corps promotes community-based efforts in HIV/AIDS prevention and care.

    Population Council
    The Population Council is an international, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization that conducts biomedical, social science, and public health research.

    Population Services International
    Through its AIDSMark project, PSI implements HIV/AIDS social marketing interventions worldwide for USAID. PSI markets essential health products and services and also develops and disseminates messages and concepts relating to behavior change.

    Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
    PATH's Healthtech project develops health, nutrition, and family planning technologies, including microbicides [PDF, 119KB] for HIV/AIDS prevention, applicable to the prevention and treatment of disease in the developing world.

    Salesian Missions
    With more than 34,000 workers in over 128 countries, Salesian Missions’ main focus is to improve the lives of poor people through education.

    Samaritan's Purse
    Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine.

    Save the Children
    Save the Children is a nonprofit humanitarian relief and development organization working in more than 40 countries throughout the developing world and the United States. Its goal is to create lasting, positive change in the lives of children in need.

    Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
    Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., through its Global Health and Development Strategies Division, supports USAID under The Synergy Project in designing and refining HIV/AIDS strategies, monitoring HIV/AIDS activities, and collecting and disseminating HIV/AIDS research, implementation, and evaluation findings.

    The purpose of UNAIDS is to strengthen national governments' responses to HIV/AIDS, provide technical and policy leadership, and facilitate international donor cooperation.

    University of California San Francisco Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
    UCSF conducts interdisciplinary HIV/AIDS prevention research, trains new scientists, and stimulates collaboration among academic researchers, public health professionals and community-based organizations.

    University of North Carolina/Carolina Population Center
    Through the MEASURE/Evaluation project, the Carolina Population Center collects data and provides monitoring and evaluation assistance to developing country population, health and nutrition programs.

    University Research Co., LLC (URC)
    Through the Quality Assurance project, URC improves the ability of health programs to achieve higher levels of quality and efficiency.

    World Concern
    World Concern is a Christian humanitarian organization that provides emergency relief and community development in some of the most neglected areas of the world.

    World Health Organization
    USAID partners with WHO to develop, implement and evaluate developing country health programs. WHO also partners with USAID for the development of microbicides for HIV/AIDS prevention.

    World Relief
    World Relief works in 24 nations on four continents equipping churches and communities to help victims of poverty, disease, hunger, war, disasters and persecution.

    World Vision
    World Vision is an international Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.

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