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  View the voices of TB video.
This moving three-minute video features the powerful voices of TB survivors from around the world. Learn more by reading their full stories [PDF, 1MB].

With USAID at the forefront, the United States Government (USG) is an international leader in the fight to prevent and control tuberculosis (TB), which kills about 1.8 million people annually. Over the past 12 years, the U.S. Government has provided approximately $953 million through USAID’s programs to improve TB services in 40 countries, saving lives and preventing the spread of TB and multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB. The goal of the USG efforts to control TB is to contribute significantly to the reduction of TB transmission and deaths globally, which is laid out in the newly released USG Global TB Strategy [PDF, 485KB].

Read the FY08 Report to Congress - Building Partnerships to Control Tuberculosis. [PDF, 2.2MB] U.S. Government Report on International Foreign Assistance in TB FY 2010: Leading and Leveraging
This report provides an overview of the global TB context, the U.S. Government TB strategic approach, case studies, country information, and building on successes.
Download the full report [PDF, 2.2MB]
Read the USG Global TB Strategy. [PDF, 485KB]
USG Tuberculosis Strategy
In response to the urgent need to control the spread of TB, the U.S. Congress passed the Reauthorization Act supporting a substantial increase in USG funding for TB treatment and control over a five-year period. The Reauthorization Act requests the development of a USG Global Tuberculosis Strategy.
Download the USG TB Strategy. [PDF, 485KB]



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