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Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday. Together, we will end preventable child deaths

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Every child should have the chance to be 5 years old

This year, 6.9 million children will die before they turn 5. Most of these children live in poor countries, and their deaths are largely preventable.

Post your 5th Birthday or age 5 photo, and join our movement to end preventable child deaths. See how others have shown their support.

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A Promise Renewed logo

Committing to Child Survival:
A Promise Renewed

For the first time in history, we have the available knowledge and technologies to reach the world’s most marginalized children with lifesaving interventions. Now is a time for action, to deliver on our longstanding commitment to end preventable child deaths.

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We Know What Works

Child mortality has been reduced by 70% over the last 50 years. We must expand access to lifesaving solutions while developing new tools needed to take us the last mile.

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