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... too busy to be helpful, will be again available from july 2005

Would like to
Manage cooperative courses through Wiki

Working on
Generation of quizzes/exams for University-level courses
ApacheAuthorizationHandler: a Database-based authorization-handler for Apache using cookies/urls to replace the Twiki authorization module
ModPerlize.pm: transform all TWiki global variables in a single hash to allow mod_perl usage without session clashes
generation of automatic exercise corrector for my next course on Computer Architechtures (mainly digital electronics exercises)
Generation of adaptive courses depending on the student knowledge and the desired target knowledge

I did What is missing
Plugins.InterwikiPlugin use TWiki::Func::readFile()
Plugins.SmiliesPlugin DONE
Plugins.CalendarPlugin use also the lighter SimpleCalendarMonth
Plugins.SmiliesPlugin DONE
Plugins.PollPlugin DONE (use DBI ?)
Plugins.LaTeXPlugin implement a better dumb cache
finish preview
Plugins.GnuplotPlugin implement a better dumb cache
finish preview
Plugins.GenericReplacementPlugin update to last API
Plugins.SuggestLinksPlugin better plurals handling
update to last API
Plugins.PrologPlugin DONE (run GnuProlog) superceded by Plugins.ProgramsPlugin
Plugins.ProgramsPlugin DONE (run a program, easily configurable )
Plugins.GroupsMapAddon update to last API
Plugins.WebMapAddon update to last API
Plugins.WebDotPlugin write it smile

Related topic: TWikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users.

First Name Andrea
Last Name Sterbini
Organisation Name Computer Science Dept. University of Rome 1, Italy
Organisation URL http://www.di.uniroma1.it/
Country Italy
City Rome
Hear From

Topic revision: r28 - 2008-09-15 - 01:39:47 - PeterThoeny
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