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Tag: African American

That Cognac Can Get You Into Very, Very Bad Trouble!

As Black History Month draws to a close, nothing illustrates the great progress of the civil rights movement more than a glimpse at a bleaker era. The work we do every day at the National Archives is for the express purpose of preserving historical context, even the disturbing parts, as exemplified in today’s post, written by [...]

Students Share Scholarly Research at NARA

Many of our NARA colleagues are historians and researchers themselves. In this post, written by Lopez Matthews, we have the opportunity to learn about a few current research projects our staff members are undertaking. If you’d like more information on any of these projects, leave a note in the comments and we’ll make sure the [...]

Legends in the “Twin Territories”

This post was written by Katy Berube, who was a summer intern in textual processing. When Deputy Marshal Bass Reeves began to sing softly to himself, people who knew him ran for cover.  An uncommon reaction, you might think, but from many accounts it was best to steer clear of a singing Bass Reeves as [...]

The U.S. Marshal Service and The Supreme Court

This post was written by Katie Beaver, a student intern working with civilian records.  It is a follow-up to A few good lawmen and is based on documentation found in  ”Appointment Files for Judicial Districts, 1853-1905.” The American South was a particularly tumultuous area after the Civil War and during the occupation of the U.S. Army. Slaves became [...]

A Look at the Residential City of Washington

We’re pleased to announce that our colleagues from the Textual Archives Services Division at Archives I will be joining us as regular bloggers. Today’s post is written by M. Marie Maxwell, an archives specialist who works at Archives I. Due to the unique relationship between the Federal government and the District of Columbia the National Archives [...]


