
References submitted to the ARM publications database for the current month are listed below by the date in which they were submitted. For those dates where more than one reference has been submitted, only the lead authors and journal entries appear. For those dates when only one reference has been submitted, the full citation is shown.

February 18, 2013

Scarino B, P Minnis, R Palikonda, R Reichle, D Morstad, C Yost, B Shan, and Q Liu. 2013. "Retrieving clear-sky surface skin temperature for numerical weather prediction applications from geostationary satellite data." Advances in Space Research, 5, doi:10.3390/rs5010342.

Qiu Y, Q Wang, and F Hu. 2013. "Shouxian aerosol radiative properties measured by DOE AMF and compared with CERES-MODIS." Advanced Materials Research, 518-523(2), doi:10.4028/

February 16, 2013

Pan LJ and DR Lu. 2013. "A new method for retrieving equivalent cloud base height and equivalent emissivity by using the ground-based Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI)." Science China - Earth Sciences, 56(1), doi:10.1007/s11430-012-4398-z.

Lu C, S Niu, S Krueger, and T Wagner. 2013. "Exploring parameterization for turbulent entrainment-mixing processes in clouds." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 118, doi:10.1029/2012JD018464.

February 05, 2013

Williams CR. 2012. "Vertical air motion retrieved from dual-frequency profiler observations." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(10), doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00176.1.

February 04, 2013

Sheridan PJ, E Andrews, JA Ogren, JL Tackett, and DM Winker. 2012. "Vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties over central Illinois and comparison with surface and satellite measurements." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, doi:10.5194/acp-12-11695-2012.

January 31, 2013

Martins JV, A Marshak, L Remer, D Rosenfeld, Y Kaufman, and R Fernandez-Borda. 2011. "Remote sensing the vertical profile of cloud droplet effective radius, thermodynamic phase, and temperature." Advances in Space Research, 11, doi:10.5194/acp-11-9485-2011.

Mecikalski JR, P Minnis, and R Palikonda. 2013. "Use of satellite derived cloud properties to quantify growing cumulus beneath cirrus clouds." Atmospheric Research, 120-121, 192-201.

Flanner MG, X Liu, M Wang, SJ Ghan, and Y Qian. 2011. Enhanced Solar Energy Absorption by Internally-Mixed Black Carbon in Snow Grains. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

January 30, 2013

Baidar S, H Oetjen, I Ortega, C Cai, A Kaduwela, S Kim, and R Volkamer. 2011. Vertical Profiles and Column Densities of NO2 by the CU Airbone MAX-DOAS: Comparison with Model Simulations. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Burton SP, RA Ferrare, CA Hostetler, JW Hair, MD Obland, RR Rogers, CF Butler, AI Cook, DB Harper, and KD Froyd. 2011. Aerosol Classification using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Yu X, LK Berg, CM Berkowitz, JA Ogren, E Andrews, and Y Lee. 2011. Aerosol Effects on Cumulus Humilis. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

January 29, 2013

Varnai T and A Marshak. 2012. "Analysis of co-located MODIS and CALIPSO observations near clouds." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16, doi:10.5194/amt-5-389-2012.

Yang W, A Marshak, T Varnai, O Kalashnikova, and A Kostinski. 2012. "CALIPSO observations of transatlantic dust properties: vertical stratification and effect of clouds." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, doi:10.5194/acp-12-11339-2012.

Marshak A, Y Knyazikhin, JC Chiu, and WJ Wiscombe. 2012. "On spectral invariance of single scattering albedo for water droplets and ice crystals at weakly absorbing wavelengths." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113, 715-720.

Feng Z, X Dong, B Xi, S McFarlane, A Kennedy, B Lin, and P Minnis. 2012. "Life cycle of midlatitude deep convective systems in a Lagrangian framework." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117(D23), D23201, doi:10.1029/2012JD018362.

January 25, 2013

Williams CR, CW Fairall, and K Moran. 2011. Improved W-band Doppler Radar Spectrum Width Estimates during the VOCALS 2008 Cruise. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Wyant MC, R Wood, and CS Bretherton. 2011. A Comparison of Regional and Global Models during VOCALS. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Rasch P, H Wang, P Ma, JD Fast, M Wang, RC Easter, X Liu, Y Qian, MG Flanner, S Ghan, and B Singh. 2011. The Climate Impacts of Absorbing Aerosols on and within the Arctic. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

January 24, 2013

DePasquale A, C Schumacher, and AD Rapp. 2013. Radar Observations of MJO/Wave Interactions During DYNAMO/CINDY2011/AMIE. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Breau-Roussel M and E Girard. 2013. Modeling of Ice Clouds Observed during ISDAC in Polluted and Pristine Air Masses. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Voyles J and J Mather. 2013. DOE ARM Climate Research Facility – Cloud, Atmosphere, Aerosol, and Surface Measurements for Climate Model Evaluation and Advancement. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Jobson BT, MH Erickson, and M Gueneron. 2013. Measuring Gas Phase Diesel Exhaust Organics by PTR-MS in Field and Laboratory Experiments. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Sonnenfroh DM, KS Repasky, AR Nehrir, and RK Newsom. 2013. Compact, Automated Differential Absorption Lidar for Tropospheric Profiling of Water Vapor. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Mitchell DL, JC Mejia, M Kuebbeler, U Lohmann, and M Xiao. 2013. Seeding of Cirrus Clouds to Reduce Global Warming. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Divakarla MG, CD Barnet, M Wilson, X Xiaong, C Tan, D Gu, X Liu, S Kizer, E Maddy, A Gambacorta, N Nalli, and M Goldberg. 2013. Provisional Maturity Assessment of Cross Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Temperature and Moisture Profile Products. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Collis S, S Giangrande, and K North. 2013. Interacting with weather radar data using Python. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Li Z. 2013. Increasing Evidences of the Impact of Aerosols on Cloud, Precipitation and Radiation due to Aerosol Indirect Effects. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Yoo H, Z Li, Y Hou, F Weng, F Weng, and S Lord. 2013. Generation and applications of multiple satellite products for diagnosis and improving the NCEP Global Forecast System model. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Basara J, LM Tardif-Huber, DX Vanegas, BG Illston, CM Biradar, and WP Kustas. 2013. The Impact of Vegetation Conditions on Land-Atmosphere Interactions During an Anomalously Wet Period. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

January 23, 2013

Fan J, RL Leung, D Rosenfeld, Z Li, and Q Chen. 2013. Aerosol Indirect Effects on Circulation and Radiative Forcing through Deep Convection Clouds: Long-time Effects. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Decker SG, V Ghate, and M Miller. 2013. Large Eddy Simulations over Cape Cod in Support of the ARM Two-Column Aerosol Project. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Bonin TA, PM Klein, PB Chilson, and CE Wainwright. 2013. Comparisons of Doppler Lidar Wind Measurements using VAD Analysis. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Mei F and J Wang. 2013. Kinetics of CCN Activation and Droplet Growth Observed in Recent Field Campaigns. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Liu J and Z Li. 2013. Relationship Between the Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentration and Aerosol Optical Properties and Their Impact Factors. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Jin Q, A Guenther, X Jiang, and Z Yang. 2013. The Radiative Impact of Dust Storms on Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) Emission in East Asia using WRF-Chem. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Gan C, JE Pleim, R Mathur, and C Hogrefe. 2013. Long Term Observation Data Analysis of Trend in Radiation "Brightening" in United States during 1995–2010. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Reale AL, B Sun, M Pettey, FH Tilley, NR Nalli, DC Tobin, and CD Barnet. 2013. Performance Validation of Candidate Operational Sounding Retrievals from Suomi-NPP. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Williams CR. 2013. Describing the DSD Shape with the Mass Spectrum Standard Deviation. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Smith Jr. WL, P Minnis, C Fleeger, F Chang, and R Palikonda. 2013. Toward an Integrated Approach to Improve the Utility of Operational Satellite Data for Diagnosing Icing Conditions. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

Atlas RL, AM Fridlind, and M Diao. 2013. Analysis of SPartiCus Data for Cirrus Modeling Case Studies. Presented at 93th Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting. Austin, TX.

January 22, 2013

Dawson ML, ME Varner, V Perraud, MJ Ezell, RB Gerbery, and BJ Finlayson-Pitts. 2012. "Simplified mechanism for new particle formation from methanesulfonic acid, amines, and water via experiments and ab initio calculations." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(46), doi:10.1073/pnas.1211878109.

Chen M, M Titcombe, J Jiang, C Jen, C Kuang, ML Fischer, FL Eisele, I Siepmann, DR Hanson, J Zhao, and PH McMurry. 2012. "Acid-base chemical reaction model for nucleation rates in the polluted atmospheric boundary layer." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(46), doi:10.1073/pnas.1211878109.

Hakala JP, J Mikkilä, M Ehn, E Siivola, T Petäjä, TS Bates, I Nuaaman, K Hayden, S Li, TB Onasch, P Massoli, CD Cappa, DR Worsnop, MT Kulmala, and PK Quinn. 2011. Contrasting the Cloud Condensing Properties of Aerosol Particles Measured with HTDMA, CCNC and CRDS to Their Chemical Composition Measured with HR-AMS On Board the R/V Atlantis During the Calnex 2010 Campaign. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

January 21, 2013

Voyles JW. 2013. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility Operations Quarterly Report October 1–December 31, 2012. U.S. Department of Energy. DOE/SC-ARM-13-001.

Jouan C, E Girard, J Pelon, I Gultepe, J Delaneo, and JP Blanchet. 2012. "Characterization of Arctic ice cloud properties observed during ISDAC." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117(D23), D23207, doi:10.1029/2012JD017889.

January 15, 2013

Mulmenstadt J, D Lubin, LM Russell, and AM Vogelmann. 2012. "Cloud properties over the North Slope of Alaska: identifying the prevailing meteorological regimes." Journal of Climate, 25(23), doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00636.1.

Stegall S and J Zhang. 2012. "Wind field climatology, changes, and extremes in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas and Alaska North Slope during 1979-2009." Journal of Climate, 25(23), doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00532.1.

January 14, 2013

Raatikainen TE, KM Cerully, SM Lance, DS Tkacik, T Petaja, A Laaksonen, MT Kulmala, JN Smith, and A Nenes. 2011. CCN activation kinetics: quantifying compositional impacts in polluted and pristine environments. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Berg LK, WI Gustafson, EI Kassianov, and D Liping. 2013. "Evaluation of a modified scheme for shallow convection: Implementation of CuP and case studies." Monthly Weather Review, 141, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00136.1.

January 09, 2013

Yeo K and DM Romps. 2013. "Measurement of convective entrainment using Lagrangian particles." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70(1), doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0144.1.

January 08, 2013

Prather KA, K Suski, A Cazorla, JF Cahill, J Creamean, DB Collins, A Heymsfield, GC Roberts, PJ DeMott, RC Sullivan, D Rosenfeld, JM Comstock, and JM Tomlinson. 2011. Probing the Impact of Different Aerosol Sources on Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation Through In-Situ Measurements of Chemical Mixing State. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

January 07, 2013

Clarke AD, J Snider, S Freitag, G Feingold, TL Campos, V Breckhovskikh, and J Kazil. 2011. Combustion Aerosol over Marine Stratus: Long Range Transport, Subsidence and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the South East Pacific. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Twohy CH, DW Toohey, M Andrejczuk, JR Anderson, A Adams, M Lytle, R George, R Wood, P Zuidema, and D Leon. 2011. Aerosol Impacts on Microphysical and Radiative Properties of Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Wang H, RC Easter, P Rasch, M Wang, X Liu, S Ghan, Y Qian, J Yoon, and P Ma. 2011. Improving Aerosol Transport to the Arctic in CAM5. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Cai C, JT Kelly, A Kaduwela, JC Avise, BS Jackson, D Yin, K Gurer, K Baker, H Oetjen, S Baidar, R Volkamer, TB Ryerson, IB Pollack, JS Holloway, JB Gilman, WC Kuster, C Warneke, JA de Gouw, BL Lefer, SL Alvarez, B Rappenglueck, MZ Markovic, TC VandenBoer, JG Murphy, R Weber, A Guha, DR Gentner, AH Goldstein, E McCauley, and DD Parrish. 2011. Photochemical Air-Quality Simulations over California for the CalNex 2010 Field Study Period. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Jimenez JL. 2011. Sources of Fine Particulate Matter in California: Historical Context and Findings from Recent Studies. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Ackerman TP. 2011. Analyzing and Evaluating Atmospheric Model Physics Using Synoptic Classification. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Murphy JG, R Ellis, MZ Markovic, TC VandenBoer, PL Hayes, M Cubison, AM Ortega, JL Jimenez, J Liu, R Weber, PR Veres, AK Cochran, and JM Roberts. 2011. Ammonia as an Observational Constraint on Aerosol pH in Rural and Urban Environments. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Varble A, EJ Zipser, AM Fridlind, CR Williams, AS Ackerman, J Chaboureau, J Fan, A Hill, J Pinty, and B Shipway. 2011. Toward Constraining Simulated Stratiform Precipitation Properties with Observations. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Ahlm L, LM Russell, S Liu, DA Day, RJ Weber, DR Gentner, AH Goldstein, FN Keutsch, TC VandenBoer, MZ Markovic, and JG Murphy. 2011. Formation and Growth of Ultrafine Particles from Secondary Anthropogenic Sources in Bakersfield. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Zang Z, Z Li, Y Chao, Q Li, D Chen, and K Liou. 2011. Prediction of PM2.5 Using A Multi-Scale Three-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System with WRF/Chem during CalNex 2010. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Li R, Q Min, and X Wu. 2011. Retrieving Latent Heat Vertical Structure Using Precipitation and Cloud Profiles. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

January 04, 2013

Petrich C, H Eicken, J Zhang, J Krieger, Y Fukamachi, and K Ohshima. 2012. "Coastal sea ice melt and break-up in northern Alaska: processes and possibility to forecast." Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(C2), doi:10.1029/2011JC007339.

January 03, 2013

Zheng J, R Zhang, EC Fortner, RM Volkamer, LT Molina, AC Aiken, JL Jimenez, K Gaeggeler, J Dommen, S Dusanter, PS Stevens, and X Tie. 2008. "Measurements of HNO3 and N2O5 using ion drift-chemical ionization mass spectrometry during the MILAGRO/MCMA-2006 campaign." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(22), doi:10.5194/acp-8-6823-2008.

Drewnick F, SS Hings, P DeCarlo, JT Jayne, M Gonin, K Fuhrer, S Weimer, JL Jimenez, KL Demerjian, S Borrmann, and DR Worsnop. 2005. "A new time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (TOF-AMS)—instrument description and first field deployment." Aerosol Science and Technology, 39(7), doi:10.1080/02786820500182040.

Jolleys MD, H Coe, G McFiggans, G Capes, AD James, J Crosier, PI Williams, G Allen, KN Bower, JL Jimenez, LM Russell, M Grutter, and D Baumgardner. 2012. "Characterizing the aging of biomass burning organic aerosol by use of mixing ratios: a meta-analysis of four regions." Environmental Science & Technology, 46(24), doi:10.1021/es302386v.

van Drooge BL, M Crusack, C Reche, C Mohr, A Alastuey, X Querol, A Prevot, DA Day, JL Jimenez, and JO Grimalt. 2012. "Molecular marker characterization of the organic composition of submicron aerosols from Mediterranean urban and rural environments under contrasting meteorological conditions." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 61, 482-489.

Liu J, X Zhang, ET Parker, PR Veres, JM Roberts, JA de Gouw, PL Hayes, JL Jimenez, JG Murphy, RA Ellis, GL Huey, and RJ Weber. 2012. "On the gas-particle partitioning of soluble organic aerosol in two urban atmospheres with contrasting emissions: 2. Gas and particle phase formic acid." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117(D19), D00V21, doi:10.1029/2012JD017912.

Collis SM, KW North, MP Jensen, P Kollias, CR Williams, N Bharadwaj, AM Fridlind, K Widener, and S Giangrande. 2011. Volumetric Geophysical Retrievals in Precipitating Cloud Systems. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Collis SM, KW North, MP Jensen, P Kollias, CR Williams, N Bharadwaj, AM Fridlind, K Widener, and S Giangrande. 2011. Volumetric Geophysical Retrievals in Precipitating Cloud Systems. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

January 02, 2013

Zhang H, DR Worton, M Lewandowski, J Ortega, CL Rubitschun, J Park, K Kristensen, P Campuzano-Jost, DA Day, JL Jimenez, M Jaoui, JH Offenberg, TE Kleindienst, J Gilman, WC Kuster, J de Gouw, C Park, GW Schade, AA Frossard, L Russell, L Kaser, W Jud, A Hansel, L Cappellin, T Karl, M Glasius, A Guenther, AH Goldstein, JH Seinfeld, A Gold, RM Kamens, and JD Surratt. 2012. "Organosulfates as tracers for secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) in the atmosphere." Environmental Science & Technology, 46(17), doi:10.1021/es301648z.

Zhang X, J Liu, ET Parker, PL Hayes, JL Jimenez, JA de Gouw, JH Flynn, N Grossberg, BL Lefer, and RJ Weber. 2012. "On the gas-particle partitioning of soluble organic aerosol in two urban atmospheres with contrasting emissions: 1. Bulk water-soluble organic carbon." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117, D00V16, doi:10.1029/2012JD017908.

Zalakeviciute R, ML Alexander, E Allwine, JL Jimenez, BT Jobson, LT Molina, E Nemitz, SN Pressley, TM VanReken, IM Ulbrich, E Velasco, and BK Lamb. 2012. "Chemically-resolved aerosol eddy covariance flux measurements in urban Mexico City during MILAGRO 2006." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(16), doi:10.5194/acp-12-7809-2012.

Salcedo D, A Laskin, V Shutthanandan, and JL Jimenez. 2012. "Feasibility of the detection of trace elements in particulate matter using online high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry." Aerosol Science and Technology, 46(11), doi:10.1080/02786826.2012.701354.

Janssen RH, J Vila-Guerau de Arellano, LN Ganzeveld, P Kabat, JL Jimenez, DK Farmer, CC van Heerwaarden, and I Mammarella. 2012. "Combined effects of surface conditions, boundary layer dynamics and chemistry on diurnal SOA evolution." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(15), doi:10.5194/acp-12-6827-2012.

Sahu LK, Y Kondo, N Moteki, N Takegawa, Y Zhao, MJ Cubison, JL Jimenez, S Vay, GS Diskin, A Wisthaler, T Mikoviny, LG Huey, AJ Weinheimer, and DJ Knapp. 2012. "Emission characteristics of black carbon in anthropogenic and biomass burning plumes over California during ARCTAS-CARB 2008." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117, D16302, doi:10.1029/2011JD017401.

Thompson JE, PL Hayes, JL Jimenez, K Adachi, X Zhang, J Liu, RJ Weber, and PR Buseck. 2012. "Aerosol optical properties at Pasadena, CA during CalNex 2010." Atmospheric Environment, 55, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.03.011.

Hodzic A, C Wiedinmyer, D Salcedo, and JL Jimenez. 2012. "Impact of trash burning on air quality in Mexico City." Environmental Science & Technology, 49(9), doi:10.1021/es203954r.

Cubison MJ, AM Ortega, PL Hayes, DK Farmer, D Day, MJ Lechner, WH Brune, E Apel, GS Diskin, JA Fisher, HE Fuelberg, A Hecobian, DJ Knapp, T Mikoviny, D Riemer, GW Sachse, W Sessions, RJ Weber, AJ Weinheimer, A Wisthaler, and JL Jimenez. 2011. "Effects of aging on organic aerosol from open biomass burning smoke in aircraft and laboratory studies." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(23), doi:10.5194/acp-11-12049-2011.

Molina LT, S Madronich, JS Gaffney, E Apel, B de Foy, J Fast, J Ferrare, S Herndon, JL Jimenez, B Lamb, AR Osornio-Vargas, P Russell, JJ Schauer, PS Stevens, R Volkamer, and M Zavala. 2010. "An overview of the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign: Mexico City emissions and their transport and transformation." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(18), doi:10.5194/acp-10-8697-2010.

Tsimpidi AP, VA Karydis, M Zavala, W Lei, L Molina, IM Ulbrich, JL Jimenez, and SN Pandis. 2010. "Evaluation of the volatility basis-set approach for the simulation of organic aerosol formation in the Mexico City metropolitan area." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(2), doi:10.5194/acp-10-525-2010.

Wang K, A Hodzic, MC Barth, JL Jimenez, R Volkamer, B Ervens, and Y Zhang. 2011. Modeling Gas-Phase Glyoxal and Associated Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in a Megacity using WRF/Chem. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Lee-Taylor J, S Madronich, B Aumont, M Camredon, LK Emmons, GS Tyndall, and R Valorso. 2011. Effect of Vapor Pressure Scheme on Multiday Evolution of SOA in an Explicit Model. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Lewis ER, G Senum, SE Schwartz, AJ Sedlacek, and SR Springston. 2011. Size Distribution of Sea Spray from Individual Breaking Waves. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Frossard AA, R Modini, LM Russell, A Wonaschuetz, A Sorooshian, DJ Kieber, JR Maben, WC Keene, TS Bates, and PK Quinn. 2011. Composition of California Coastal Marine Aerosol Particles Measured During CalNex 2010 and E-PEACE 2011. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Leung R, J Fan, BH Lynn, D Rosenfeld, A Khain, and KA Prather. 2011. Modeling Aerosol Effects on Winter Storms: Case Studies from the SUPRECIP2 and CalWater Field Experiments in Central California. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

DeMott PJ, KA Prather, RC Sullivan, K Suski, JM Comstock, JM Tomlinson, D Rosenfeld, AJ Prenni, and A Cazorla. 2011. Dependence of Ice Formation in Sierra Winter Orographic Clouds on the Mixing State of Aerosols Serving as Ice Nuclei. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Rosenfeld D, KA Prather, JM Comstock, PJ DeMott, A Cazorla, R Chemke, K Suski, E Freud, and R Leung. 2011. CALWATER Overview of the G1 Aircraft Measurements of Cloud-Aerosol Interactions Within Winter Storms. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Prather K, K Suski, A Cazorla, JF Cahill, J Creamean, DB Collins, FM Ralph, DR Cayan, D Rosenfeld, PJ DeMott, RC Sullivan, JM Comstock, R Leung, JM Tomlinson, GC Roberts, A Nenes, and JJ Lin. 2011. Determination of the Sources and Impacts of Aerosols on Clouds and Orographic Precipitation During CalWater. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.