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  4th Grade Supplies

Supplies-4th Grade for School Year 2008/2009

bundle of colored pencils







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  • 10 pocket folders (plain – no pictures)
  •      2 each yellow, red, green, blue and orange
  • 5 large packs of loose leaf notebook paper – wide ruled
  • 4 packs (12 each) #2 pencils
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • 2 box tissue
  • 1 box of broad tipped Crayola markers
  • 1 box of fine tipped Crayola markers
  • 1 box of Colored Pencils (24-36 per box, Crayola or Prang)
  • 1 box of 64 Crayola or Prang crayons
  • 4 glue sticks
  • 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
  • 1 bottle Germx
  • 1 box gallon zip lock baggies
  • 1 package colored computer paper
  • 1 box of 4 colors dry erase markers

4th graders please do not label supplies. 

  • Donations of 8 ½ X 11 bright colors of copy paper accepted and appreciated.

Student with bookbag
All Book bags are required to be see through or transparent, such as mesh or clear plastic.

Please no Trapper Keepers

  Please have all supplies at school on the first day of school.      
  Special Activity teachers may require additional school supplies after school begins.      



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pair of tennis shoes


Walker Intermediate School
  Updated June 20, 2007