Fort Knox Community Schools

Cell Phone Policy

Student possession of cell phones in the Fort Knox Community Schools is allowable subject to the following rules and regulations.

Though allowed, cell phones are a distraction and may become a tempting prohibition to students, which can result in disciplinary action and may include suspension and loss of academic learning time and the opportunity to make-up missed work.

With this in mind, the administration and the Board of Education request that if parents choose to allow their students to possess cell phones at school, please establish an understanding with them that, during school hours, all cell phones must remain turned off and in lockers or in vehicles. Students are not to have cell phones in their possession during the academic day.

Additionally, the school system prohibits the use of all communication devices that, in its opinion, have limited or no educational value or their use creates learner distraction and disruption. The Fort Knox Community Schools reserve the right to define the educational value of any new electronic wireless communication devices that may become available to the public in the future and to prohibit their use if they have little or no educational value or if such use creates learner distraction or disruption.

Possession of a cell phone by a student is a privilege, which may be forfeited by any student not abiding by the terms of this policy. This policy statement serves as a first warning, detailing the prohibitions and discipline, associated with the Fort Knox Community Schools’ cell phone use policy.

Students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of their cell phones. The Fort Knox Community Schools shall not assume responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of a cell phone, or unauthorized calls made on a cell phone.

Use of Cell Phones on School Grounds

Students may use cell phones before and after school, as long as they do not create a distraction or a disruption. A student may possess a cell phone on school property, at after school activities and at school-related functions, provided that during school hours the cell phone remains off, concealed and secured in lockers or vehicles during the academic day.

While students may use cell phones before and after school, as stated above, it is most important to understand that picture phones (camera phones) are viewed as cameras, and are allowable only by the camera policy that is presently in place. The position of the administration and the Board of Education is that picture phones can pose the same threats as cameras to freedoms of privacy, can exploit personal information through use, and possibly can create problems/issues in custody situations.

Disciplinary Action

If a student chooses to bring a cell phone to school, the student and his or her sponsor are responsible to ensure all guidelines are followed. Students who violate the above restrictions shall be deemed to have created a disruption in the educational environment and are subject to disciplinary actions, as outlined below.

First offense

phone confiscated*

detention(s) assigned consistent with school policy

Second offense**

phone confiscated*

assignment school/SOS/in-school suspension consistent with school policy for first offense placement; forfeit of privilege

Third offense

phone confiscated*

Out-of-school suspension three days; loss of make-up work privilege

*Confiscated phones will be returned to the students’ sponsor only; also, if any criminal violations may have been allegedly committed, the MPs will be called and the phone turned over as evidence.

**Second offense, as listed, will in fact be the first offense violation, if the camera policy is violated; the third offense as listed becomes the second violation.


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This page was updated: November 25, 2008