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Family Health

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Benin Facts at a Glance

Population: 8.2 million
Annual growth rate: 3%
75% of population live less than 5KM from a basic health facility
44% use health services

Program Objective:

"Expand the use of family health services and products within a favorable and supportive policy environment."

In addition, USAID basic health projects aim at:

  • Increasing access to quality services and products,
  • Increasing demand for health services, products and prevention.
USAID investment in basic health means that:


  • 51 655 people had free access by telephone to authoritative information on reproductive health and HIV
  • Over 86 974 people at risk have received counseling to change behavior in reproductive health
  • More than 6 000 households and over 36,000 men and women received family planning advice
  • 30 clinics were added to the national grid of private clinics
  • More than 835 000 bed nets will be given to women pregnant and children under five years and sold at low prices by the end of 2009
  • More than 520,000 people have benefited from the spraying of their homes with insecticide to fight against malaria
  • More than 1 million effective artemisinin-based treatments against malaria and
  • More than 2.3 million malaria prophylactic tablets for pregnant women were given in Benin.

The President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) to reduce malaria deaths by 50% is a major component of USAID/Benin's Health Program. USAID Health Program contributes to the agency goal of Investing in People.

Main Partners:

The Integrated Family Health Project, or PISAF (Projet Intégré de Santé Familiale), is a five year, $17,4 million cooperative agreement awarded on March 28, 2006 to University Research Corporation, LLC. PISAF works with key Ministry of Health staff in the Family Health Directorate, the National Malaria Control Program, and the National AIDS Control Program, on improving the quality of public and private health services in targeted areas. PISAF works with Abt Associates.

The Integrated Project to Promote Family Health and Prevent HIV/AIDS (IMPACT) is a five year, $15,5 million cooperative agreement with Population Services International (PSI). PSI's main partners in implementation are JHPIEGO Corporation and Abt Associates and the local NGO OSV-JORDAN.



For more information contact USAID-Benin

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Last Updated on: October 27, 2010

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Press Releases

Sept. 20, 2010
USAID supports training of teacher trainers.Word, 32kb
July 19, 2010
Official handover of drugs and equipment to fight Malaria Word, 16kb

01 B.P. 2012
Cotonou, Rép. du Bénin
Tel : (229) 21-30-05-00

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