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Employment of Consultants

Consultant Services

Consultant services funded in whole, or in part, with Federal-aid highway program funds shall be procured and administered in accordance with the requirements of the Common Grant Rule (49 CFR 18). In addition, contracts for engineering and design related services which utilize Federal-aid highway program funds and are directly related to an ultimate construction project must also comply with the requirements established in 23 U.S.C. §112 and 23 CFR 172. Engineering and design related services are defined as "program management, construction management, feasibility studies, preliminary engineering, design, engineering, surveying, mapping or architectural related services" (as specified in 23 U.S.C. §112(b)(2)(A) and 23 CFR §172.3). Many additional Federal laws and regulations apply to the procurement and administration of engineering and design related services.

As the Federal laws and regulations governing these services are substantively complex, this web site provides the statutory and regulatory framework, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) policies, and supporting guidance and resources.

Laws and Regulations

Policy and Guidance

Additional Resources/Reference Material


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Scott Wolf
Office of Program Administration
E-mail Scott

Dave Bruce
Program Management Improvement Team
E-mail Dave

Updated: 12/06/2012

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration