
Media Alert
April 29, 2004

200th Anniversary of Lewis & Clark's Expedition Meriwether Lewis’ Philadelphia Shopping Spree

WHAT: Only opportunity to photograph four original documents relating to Lewis & Clark's expedition, in anticipation of the 200th anniversary.

These documents detail some of the nearly two tons of provisions that Capts. Lewis and Clark took with them on their famous expedition. Among the items listed are mercury, powdered rhubarb, and Dr. Benjamin Rush's special concoction used as a purgative that would become part of their first aid kit. Other provisions include 193 pounds of portable soup purchased from a Philadelphia cook for $289.50, a walnut chest, and a packing hogshead.

WHO: Stacey Bredhoff, Senior Curator at the National Archives, will describe the buying spree and careful preparations that helped make the expedition a success. She will be available for individual interviews.

WHEN: 10 A.M., Thursday, May 6, 2004

WHERE: The Jefferson Room, The National Archives Building, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.

PLEASE NOTE: Available light only. No flash photography will be permitted. The media should use the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance.

May 14, 2004 is the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the Lewis & Clark expedition. On May 14, 1804, a corps of 33 hale and hearty souls launched 3 small vessels into the mouth of the Missouri River and embarked on one of the all-time great American adventures. Under the command of Capts. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, the party was headed into the Louisiana Territory, newly transferred from France to the United States, and clear across the North American continent. The explorers were carrying nearly two tons of supplies and equipment—all they would need to see them through twenty-eight months, and more than 7,500 miles of hardscrabble adventure and exploration.

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For press information or for images of the documents, contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at 202-501-5526 or 301-837-1700.


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