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Photo of a mother, father and baby in Uganda.
Source: Linda Andrews, PLP

The Office of Population and Reproductive Health addresses family planning and reproductive health issues through a combination of activities.

The results of USAID-supported biomedical, operations, demographic, evaluation, applied, and social science research form the foundation for future services and programs worldwide. The Congress, the general public, and other international agencies and partners rely heavily on these data and analyses.

The Office’s global leadership, technical support to the field, and research and evaluation functions are closely linked. Needs are identified in the field, research is undertaken to determine how best to respond to those needs, and on-the-ground experience feeds back into program development and new initiatives. The Office also plays an important role in coordinating with other donors. This work is centered in four divisions.


Commodities Security and Logistics
Supports a program to strengthen public health supply chains for pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and other essential health supplies; coordinates with international partners, collaborators, and stakeholders to improve long-term availability of essential public health supplies; and operates a centralized system to process, manage, and deliver contraceptives, condoms, and other essential supplies to Mission-supported programs.

Policy, Evaluation and Communication
Collects and analyzes family planning and other reproductive health information; improves the policy environment for family planning and reproductive health services; and strengthens methodologies for evaluation of family planning and reproductive health programs. Increases the awareness, acceptability, and use of family planning methods and expands and strengthens the managerial and technical skills of family planning and health personnel.

Cover image of the new FHI package, "Long-Acting and Permanent Methods: Addressing Unmet Need for Family Planning in Africa" (click to read more)
Funded by USAID and produced by Family Health International, a new evidence-based advocacy package is available for program managers and policymakers. Read more

Research, Technology and Utilization
Supports biomedical research to increase understanding of contraceptive methods and to develop new fertility regulation technologies and conducts operations research to improve the delivery of family planning and reproductive health services.

Service Delivery Improvement
Increases availability and quality of family planning and related reproductive health services through strengthening government programs, local private voluntary organizations, for-profit organizations, and commercial channels. Access several new products from EngenderHealth’s Men As Partners® program that help trainers, health care professionals, outreach workers, and activists engage men and boys in reproductive health, HIV prevention and care, and prevention of gender-based violence. You can also read the case study, Creating Healthy Families in Nepal: Sustaining Family Planning Practices Among Marginalized Groups [PDF, 922KB], which documents sustainable activities and interventions of a USAID Flexible Fund Program.

Global Leadership Priority (GLP) Technical Areas

GLPs represent cutting edge issues that affect family planning and reproductive health programming and require dedicated attention.  Each GLP has a coordinator or champion and a working group who establish a strategic direction, identify priority areas of investment, and coordinate activities that are undertaken across a number of existing centrally-managed agreements.

Other Technical Areas

The Office of Population and Reproductive Health provides support to missions and addresses a wide range of field needs, enabling missions to benefit from USAID's worldwide experience and knowledge. Technical areas include:

For more information on family planning, please contact USAID at


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