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Tuberculosis: Partnerships

  Global Health TV Field Report: TBCTA a Partnership in TB Control
This film highlights a USAID-funded initiative to expand and strengthen the DOTS approach in Indonesia through the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation and the Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance (TBCTA). View the film
Photo of Mr. Pudjo Prastomo taking his TB medication at an urban PPTI clinic in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. With sputum positive TB, he is on DOTS treatment since December 2002. Source: Ger Steenbergen
Mr. Pudjo Prastomo takes his TB medication at an urban PPTI clinic in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. With sputum positive TB, he is on DOTS treatment.
Source: Ger Steenbergen

Partnerships are a cornerstone of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID pursues its mission through partnerships with the people and governments of assisted countries, U.S. businesses, non-governmental organizations, private voluntary organizations, academic institutions, other U.S. government agencies and international assistance agencies. In addition, there are bilateral agreements facilitated at the country level. Financial, technical,/programmatic, and advocacy partnerships support global, regional, and country (local) activities.

  • Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
    USAID provides support to Global Fund TB grants in order to achieve the global TB targets.

  • Global Partners
    USAID supports, enhances, and provides leadership to many global partnerships in the health sector.

  • Implementing Partners
    USAID implements its foreign assistance activities by utilizing the expertise of other key Federal agencies, as well as contributing to programs or purchasing services of U.S. organizations and companies.

  • Regional Partners
    USAID collaborates with WHO regional offices to address region-specific issues in TB control.

  • USG Partners
    The achievement of our ambitious goals and implementation of the GHI principles are only possible through the consolidated and coordinated efforts of all the USG agencies working in partnership with the global TB community to combat TB worldwide.


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