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Robins Air Force Base Aircrafts Robins Air Force Base, Georgia

Robins Air Force Base is the home of Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, the 78th Air Base Wing, and more than 60 other units that make up a vital part of the Air Force warfighting team. It is the largest industrial complex in Georgia, employing a workforce of over 25,584 civilians, contractors, and military members. We are proud of our greater community we call Team Robins Plus that includes the remarkable support and friendship we receive from the people of Middle Georgia.

tabAir Force Mission 
The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight and air, space and cyberspace. 

To achieve that mission, the Air Force has a vision:

The United States Air Force will be a trusted and reliable joint partner with our sister services known for integrity in all of our activities, including supporting the joint mission first and foremost. We will provide compelling air, space, and cyber capabilities for use by the combatant commanders. We will excel as stewards of all Air Force resources in service to the American people, while providing precise and reliable Global Vigilance, Reach and Power for the nation.

The Air Force has three core competencies: Developing Airmen, Technology-to-Warfighting and Integrating Operations. These core competencies make our six distinctive capabilities possible:

Air and Space Superiority :  With it, joint forces can dominate enemy operations in all dimensions -- land, sea, air and space.

Global Attack:  Because of technological advances, the Air Force can attack anywhere, anytime -- and do so quickly and with greater precision than ever before.

Rapid Global Mobility:  Being able to respond quickly and decisively anywhere we're needed is key to maintaining rapid global mobility.

Precision Engagement:  The essence lies in the ability to apply selective force against specific targets because the nature and variety of future contingencies demand both precise and reliable use of military power with minimal risk and collateral damage.

Information Superiority:  The ability of joint force commanders to keep pace with information and incorporate it into a campaign plan is crucial.

Agile Combat Support:  Deployment and sustainment are keys to successful operations and cannot be separated. Agile combat support applies to all forces, from those permanently based to contingency buildups to expeditionary forces.

The Air Force bases these core competencies and distinctive capabilities on a shared commitment to three core values -- integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.
tabAFMC Mission 
With headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) conducts research, development, test and evaluation, and provides acquisition management services and logistics support necessary to keep Air Force weapon systems ready for war.


Equip the Air Force for World-Dominant Airpower

AFMC delivers war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all Air Force weapon systems. From cradle-to-grave, AFMC provides the work force and infrastructure necessary to ensure the United States remains the world's most respected Air and Space Force.


One Team, Delivering Capabilities to Fly, Fight and Win ... Today and Tomorrow
tabWR-ALC Vision and Focus  
A "World-Class" Center of  Acquisition & Sustainment Excellence 

·Exceed Warfighter& Customer Expectations
·Lead DoD in Cost Management
·Re-energize & Sustain Continuous Process Improvement
tabDept. of the Air Force 
The Department of the Air Force is headquartered in the Pentagon, Washington D.C. The service is organized in nine major commands throughout the world which provide combat aircraft, airlift, refueling, reconnaissance and other support to the Unified Combatant Commands.

The Air Force also has more than three dozen field operating agencies and direct reporting units which directly support the mission by providing unique services.

Together with Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard forces, the United States Air Force is the best in the world.

The Secretary of the Air Force is Michael B. Donley, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force is Gen. Mark A. Welsh, the Vice Chief of Staff is Gen. Larry O. Spencer, and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force is CMSAF James A. Roy.

 Inside Robins AFB

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