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International Programs

International News Releases

“Pollution doesn’t stop at international borders,
and neither can our environmental and health protections.
The local and national environmental issues of the past are now global challenges.”
Lisa P. Jackson, EPA Administrator

EPA’s work to improve air quality, expand access to clean water, and protect vulnerable communities from toxic pollution extends from across North America to nearly 180 nations worldwide. Through collaborative efforts with partners from around the world, EPA is working to facilitate commerce, promote sustainable development, protect vulnerable populations and engage diplomatically around the world.

International Feature

New! During the week of January 13, 2013, a United States delegation including representatives from EPA, led by the U.S. Department of State, participated in the fifth and final round of negotiations to establish a legally-binding convention directed at reducing global mercury pollution. The text of the Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted by delegates from over 140 countries on January 19, 2013, following an intense round of negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland.

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International Priorities

EPA has a long history of international collaboration on a wide range of global environmental issues.

It is our vision that environmental progress, in cooperation with global partners, can catalyze even greater progress toward protecting our domestic environment.

To advance these goals, EPA has identified the following International Priorities:


Please browse the links above to learn more about EPA's work in each of these priorities.

In Your World

EPA engages with partners around the world to address environmental challenges. Explore some of our work in the map below:
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Basic Information about International Programs For EPA Staff: Remote Access
Recent News
  • EPA launched a case study documenting the development and implementation of Taiwan’s 4-in-1 Recycling Program.

  • In October, EPA Administrator Jackson launched the Environmental Solutions Exporter Portal. Weaving EPA analysis into export promotion efforts is the core of the EPA's export promotion strategy.
  • Administrator Jackson traveled to Israel from September 10-14 and signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to guide collaborative activities.
  • On August 8, Administrator Jackson and Mexican Secretary for the Environment Juan Elvira Quesada signed the Border 2020 framework agreement for continued environmental cooperation along the U.S- Mexico border.
  • The Annual Council Meeting of the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) took place in New Orleans, July 10-11.

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