Title I, Part A
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February 15, 2013

Office for Civil Rights Announces Resolution of Title IX Compliance Review Involving the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation in Evansville, Ind.

The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights today announced the resolution of a Title IX compliance review at the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation in Evansville, Ind.

February 29, 2012

26 More States and D.C. Seek Flexibility from NCLB to Drive Education Reforms in Second Round of Requests

Twenty-six new states and the District of Columbia have formally submitted requests to the U.S. Department of Education for waivers from key provisions of No Child Left Behind. This adds to the 11 states that the Obama Administration announced earlier this month had developed and agreed to implement bold education reforms in exchange for relief from burdensome federal mandates.

ESEA Flexibility Requests and Related Documents

This page provides access to ESEA Flexibility Requests submitted by states, and other related documents.

September 23, 2011

Obama Administration Sets High Bar for Flexibility from No Child Left Behind in Order to Advance Equity and Support Reform

Washington — In an effort to support local and state education reform across America, the White House today outlined how states can get relief from provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act—or No Child Left Behind (NCLB)—in exchange for serious state-led efforts to close achievement gaps, promote rigorous accountability, and ensure that all student

October 1, 2009

$21.8 Billion Distributed to Promote Educational Improvement

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced today the distribution of more than $21.8 billion in formula grants to support state-administered programs that support teachers and help students reach high standards.

September 4, 2009

Recovery Act Funds Accelerated to Save Jobs, Drive Reforms in Schools with Students in Greatest Need

Delivering unprecedented resources to states and school districts, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that more than $11 billion is now available to further save jobs and drive reforms.

August 14, 2009

Education Secretary Arne Duncan Proposes to Allow States to Use Up to $41 Million of Existing Title I and IDEA Funds to Effectively Administer, Monitor and Report Use of ARRA Funds

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced today that the Education Department will publish a proposal in the Federal Register on Monday, Aug.

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