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USAID Publications

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Infant and Young Child Nutrition

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Micronutrient Supplementation

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Food Fortification

  • Guidelines on Food Fortification with Micronutrients – 2006
    These Guidelines provide information relating to the benefits, limitations, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, cost–benefit, and regulation of food fortification in order to assist developing countries in the design and implementation of appropriate food fortification programs.

  • Sustainable Elimination of Iodine Deficiency – May 2008
    This report reviews global efforts and progress to eliminate iodine deficiency (IDD) during the past two decades, captures the lessons learned and best practices in the elimination of IDD in various countries, and proposes an agenda against IDD as a vital step toward preventing adverse effects on international development and human potential.

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Management of Malnutrition

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HIV and Nutrition

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Food Security


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