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Child Health: Partnerships

Photo of a man handing out information in a street. Source: Richard Franco
Source: Richard Franco

The U.S. Agency for International Development pursues its mission through partnerships with the people and governments of assisted countries, U.S. businesses, non-governmental organizations, private voluntary organizations, academic institutions, other U.S. government agencies and international assistance agencies. The projects listed here represent only those activities funded by the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition.

Global Initiatives and Donor Partners

As a recognized leader in development assistance and one of the largest bilateral donors, USAID is at the forefront of efforts to mobilize partnerships to address global child health concerns. These partnerships, based on common goals, shared vision, and joint strategies, strive to bring substantial new resources, ideas, and technologies to address child survival in developing countries. The partnerships complement USAID’s existing programs, while USAID contributes its considerable field presence, access to governments, technical expertise, and networks of local development partners.

Global Initiatives

Donor Partners

Cooperating Agreements and Contracts

The Bureau for Global Health implements its foreign assistance activities by contributing to programs or purchasing services of U.S. organizations and companies. USAID utilizes cooperative agreements and contracts to achieve results that contribute to the agency's performance goals.


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