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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Natural Resources

The Natural Resources program within the Conservation Division of the Environmental Department manages natural resources to support the military mission, while preserving, protecting and enhancing these resources. Natural resources include land, soils, beaches, dunes, native/non-native plants, landscaping, fish, birds, and other wildlife, both terrestrial and aquatic, inland in protected wetlands, streams, and offshore around coral reef systems within our jurisdiction at MCBH-Kaneohe Bay, Camp Smith, Pu’uloa, Marine Corps Training Area Bellows (MCTAB) and Waikane Valley.

The Base’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) is the over-arching document that guides MCB Hawaii’s approach to natural resources management, while supporting quality of life, controlled public access to these resources and “no net loss” of military training options.

Natural Resources
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Fish & Wildlife Features

Click here to learn about the Shearwater Fallout Season.  Help protect our base's native species!