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Economic Research Working Papers

September 2010 – The Role of Small Business in Economic Development of the United States: From the End of the Korean War (1953) to the Present [PDF file] by Regulatory Economist Dr. Radwan Saade and Assistant Chief Counsel for Procurement Major L. Clark III, Office of Advocacy.

March 2010 – Saving for Retirement: A Look at Small Business Owners [PDF file] by Jules Lichtenstein, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

March 2010 – Small Business Retirement Plan Availability and Worker Participation [PDF file] by Kathryn Kobe, Economic Consulting Services, LLC Research Summary [PDF]

December 2009 - Dynamics of Employer Establishments, 2002-2003 [PDF file], an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Ying Lowery. Preliminary Survey of Business Owner tracking data on the dynamics of employer establishments—rates of establishment death, expansion, and contraction and net job change—are available now for 2002-2003. The data are displayed by size of business and by the gender, Hispanic or Latino origin, and race of the owner, as well as by industry and state. Subsequent editions will include data for the 2002-2004, 2002-2005, and 2002-2006 periods.

December 2009 – The Nonemployer Startup Puzzle [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Zoltan Acs, Brian Headd, and Hezekiah Agwara Research Summary [PDF]

December 2009 – Educational Attainment, “Brain Drain,” and Self-employment: Examining the Interstate Mobility of Baccalaureate Graduates, 1993-2003 [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Chad Moutray, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

August 2009 – Startup Business Characteristics and Dynamics: A Data Analysis of the Kauffman Firm Survey [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Ying Lowrey, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

June 2009 – Family Firms Venturing into International Markets: A Resource Dependence Perspectives [PDF File] by by Lucia Naldi and Mattias Nordqvist, Research Summary. [PDF File]

January 2009 – Leveraging Entrepreneurial Orientation to Enhance SME Export Performance [PDF file], submitted by Stratedge, Inc., Research Summary [PDF file].

December 2008 – Offshoring and Small U.S. Manufacturers [PDF file], submitted by Stratedge, Inc., Research Summary [PDF file].

October 2008 – Baccalaureate Education and the Employment Decision: Self-Employment and the Class of 1993 [PDF file], submitted by Chad Moutray, Research Summary [PDF file].

October 2008 – Looking Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Owners [PDF file], submitted by Chad Moutray, Research Summary [PDF file].

September 2008 – The Importance of Angel Investing in Financing the Growth of Entrepreneurial Ventures [PDF File] a working paper submitted by Scott Shane, Research Summary. [PDF File]

August 2008 – Do Business Definition Decisions Distort Small Business Research Results? [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Brian Headd and Radwan Saade, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

June 2008 – Entrepreneurship and the Barrier to Exit: How Does an Entrepreneur-Friendly Bankruptcy Law Affect Entrepreneurship Development at a Societal Level? [PDF file] submitted by Seung-Hyun Lee, Yasuhiro Yamakawa, and Mike W. Peng of the University of Texas at Dallas, Inc., Research Summary [PDF]

February 2008 – Rural and Urban Establishment Births and Deaths Using the U.S. Census Bureau’s Business Information Tracking Series [PDF File], an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Lawrence A. Plummer, Clemson University, and Brian Headd, Office of Advocacy Research Summary. [PDF File]

January 2008 – Uncovering Knowledge Structures of Venture Capital Investment Decision Making [PDF File] a working paper submitted by Pankaj Patel and Rodney D’Souza, University of Louisville, Research Summary. [PDF File]

December 2007 – Educational Attainment and Other Characteristics of the Self-Employed: An Examination using Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics [PDF File] a working paper by Chad Moutray, U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy , Research Summary. [PDF File]

October 2007 – Small Business Growth: Searching for Stylized Facts [PDF File] a working paper by Brian Headd, U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy and Bruce Kirchhoff, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Research Summary. [PDF File]

September 2007 – Are Male and Female Entrepreneurs Really That Different? [PDF File] a working paper by Erin Kepler and Scott Shane, Research Summary. [PDF File]

June 2007 – A Two-step Analysis of Standardized Versus Relationship Bank Lending to Small Firms [PDF File] submitted by Polly Hardee, Ph.D, Research Summary. [PDF File]

June 2007 – A Real Options Model of Stepwise Entry into Self-Employment [PDF File] submitted by Karl J. Wennberg, Timothy Folta, and Frederic Delmar, Research Summary. [PDF File]

February 2007 – Friends or Foes: The Spatial Dynamic Between Established Firms and Entrants [PDF File] submitted by Lawrence Plummer, Research Summary. [PDF File]

January 2007 – Getting the Most Bang for the Buck: An Analysis of States’ Relative Efficiencies in Promoting the Birth of Small Firms [PDF File] submitted by Whitney Peake and Maria Marshall, Purdue University, Research Summary.[PDF File]

December 2006 – Volatility and Asymmetry of Small Firm Growth Rates Over Increasing Time Frames [PDF file], submitted by Rich Perline, Robert Axtell, and Daniel Teitelbaum, Research Summary [PDF file].

September 2006 – The Government’s Role in Aiding Small Business Federal Subcontracting Programs in the United States [PDF file] -a working paper by Major Clark III, Chad Moutray, and Radwan Saade, Research Summary [PDF file]

June 2006 – Banking and SME Financing in the United States [PDF file], submitted by Charles Ou, Research Summary [PDF file].

December 2005 – Research Study [PDF file], Agency Costs and Ownership Structure: Evidence From the Small Business Finance Survey Data Base , submitted by Jacky Yuk-Chow So, Texas A&M International University Research Summary.

September 2005 - Working Paper [PDF file], U.S. Sole Proprietorships: A Gender Comparison, 1985-2000, submitted by Ying Lowery Research Summary.

June 2005 – Working Paper [PDF file], Business Estimates from the Office of Advocacy: A Discussion of Methodology, submitted by Brian Headd, Research Summary.

March 2005 – Working paper [PDF file], Banking Consolidation and Small Business Lending: A Review of Recent Research, submitted by Charles Ou.

January 2005 – Working paper [PDF file], Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry, submitted by Brian Wu and Anne Marie Knott from the United States Association for Small Business Entrepreneurship (USASBE) best paper awards, Research Summary.

January 2005 Working Paper [PDF file], Firm Size Dynamics of Industries: Stochastic Growth Processes, Large Fluctuations, and the Population of Firms as a Complex System, submitted by Daniel Teitelbaum and Robert Axtell, NuTech Solutions, Inc.

December 2004 Working Paper [PDF file],The Future of Small Businesses in the U.S. Federal Government Marketplace submitted by Major Clark, and Chad Moutray.

February 2004 – Working Paper [PDF file], Statistical Databases for Economic Research on the Financing of Small Firms in the United States, submitted by Charles Ou. (This has been published in the December 2005 issue of The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures)

January 2004 Working Paper [PDF file],Why do Small Firms Choose Quasi-Integration? The Case of the Homebuilding Industry submitted by James Dewald, Jeremy Hall, and James J. Chrisman from the USASBE best paper awards.

January 2003 Working Paper [PDF file], Uses of Equity Capital by Small Firms—Findings from the Surveys of Small Business Finances (1993 & 1998) submitted by Charles Ou.

January 2003  Working Paper [PDF file], A Longitudinal Analysis of Industry, Enterprise and Behavioral Predictors of SME Inter-firm cooperation, submitted by Robert Hartl from USASBE best paper awards.

January 2003 Working Paper [PDF file], The Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship: A Neoclassical Approach, submitted by Ying Lowrey.

November 2002 Working Paper [PDF file], Rules Versus Discretion in Tax Policy, submitted by Radwan Saade.

November 2002 Working Paper [PDF file], A Profile of Owners and Investors of Privately Held Businesses in the United States, 1989-1998 submitted by Charles Ou and George Haynes.

The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations found in the working papers on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Advocacy, the United States Small Business Administration, or the United States Government.

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