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Library > Fact Sheets > Air University Education Logistics and Communications


Posted 12/16/2011 Printable Fact Sheet


To support Air University's worldwide mission and to educate the greatest aerospace warriors in the world. To provide the Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex community a service dedicated to delivering world-class information technology (IT) capabilities. 


Facilitate the Air University mission through the smart application of information technology and effective deployment and employment of communication and information systems. 

About Air University Education Logistics and Communications
  • Represents the IT interests of AU mission and staff elements at major command boards and panels. Advises and assists commanders and staff on communications-computer systems requirements.
  • Facilitates business process re-engineering leading to improved efficiency and mission effectiveness.
  • Designs, develops, implements and sustains the life-cycle management of computer and communications support infrastructure.
  • Ensures the AU and Maxwell-Gunter corporate IT structure integrates with Command, Air Force, Department of Defense (DoD), and other government or civilian agency systems.
  • Oversees the employment of IT data standards and establishes associated interface agreements with external agencies.
  • Manages contracts pertaining to the acquisition of IT resources and services.
  • Develops AU's tactical and strategic plans for employment of IT and provides inputs for DoD planning, programming, and budgeting systems.
  • Executes the IT budget for AU.
  • Analyzes and approves waivers for procurement of nonstandard computer hardware and software.

Contact Information
HQ AU A4/6
55 LeMay Plaza South
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6335 

Student Customer Service inquiries - (800) 262-9140

Phone: (334) 953-4320
FAX: (334) 953-5600

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