News Archive

What's New: May 2011

cranes passing under Crescent City Bridge, New Orleans

NOAA Clears Path for Largest Cranes in New Orleans's History

On May 2, 2011 after a 53-day, 15,700-mile journey from South Korea, the Port of New Orleans received two new container gantry cranes for installation at the Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal. More...

elephant seals

Critical New Data to be Added to the Integrated Ocean Observing System in 2011

For the first time, data from electronic tags attached to marine animals will be incorporated into the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®), a NOAA-led national partnership committed to enhancing our ability to collect, deliver, and use ocean information. More...

fish and corals

NOAA Helps Partners in U.S. Virgin Islands Conserve Coral Reefs

NOAA scientists recently returned from a three-week mission to study unexplored areas of the sea floor using sonar technology off the southern coasts of St. John and St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and eastern Puerto Rico. Along the way, the team gathered data on the coral reef habitats, fish communities and uncovered a few remnants of the region's rich maritime past. More...

Street sign entering Plato, Missouri

Do You Know Where Your Centroid Is?

If you filled out the 2010 Census form from the U.S. Census Bureau, then you had a part in defining the centroid — the point where the center of the U.S. population falls. Every 10 years, after the Census Bureau crunches the numbers and figures out where the centroid is, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS) places a geodetic survey disk (also called a survey marker, monument, or bench mark) in the incorporated community closest to its exact geographic location. More...

Aerial Imagery of Tornado Damage in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Aerial Imagery of Tornado Damage in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

On April 29, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey dispatched the NOAA King Air 350CER aircraft, equipped with specialized remote sensing equipment, on a mission to collect aerial photography at 5,000 feet from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham, Ala. These "before and after" shots show the exent of the damage caused by last week's tornado in the region. Photos will be used to assist federal and local officials in response and recovery efforts. More...
