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CPD Notices

A notice is a document issued, in this case by the office of Community Planning and Development, to clarify or inform regarding a specific item. Some Notices have attachments, and, when possible they are presented in this section. Also please be advised that some notices replace previous notices. When possible the notices presented on the website are in both Microsoft Word and Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).

 - 2012 CPD Notices
 - 2011 CPD Notices
 - 2010  CPD Notices
 - 2009 CPD Notices
 - 2008 CPD Notices
 - 2007 CPD Notices
 - 2006 CPD Notices
 - 2005 CPD Notices
 - 2004 CPD Notices
 - 2003 CPD Notices
 - 2002 CPD Notices
 - 2001 CPD Notices
 - 2000 CPD Notices
 - 1999 CPD Notices
 - 1998 CPD Notices
 - 1997 CPD Notices
 - 1996 CPD Notices
 - 1995 CPD Notices
 - Prior to 1995 CPD Notices