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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   Environment   >   Training   >   CPD   >   The Noise Guidebook

The Noise Guidebook

This Noise Guidebook has been prepared to serve as the basic reference document for all HUD field staff who are responsible for implementing the Department's noise policy. It brings together in one place all the various reports, informational papers and other items that have been put out by the Department over the past several years. It also contains several items designed to make your job easier.

This Guidebook is designed to serve not only the experienced HUD staff member but also the new employee or the old employee who is new to the noise field. Because of this, the Guidebook contains some fairly basic background material specifically geared for the "learner"

The Guidebook is divided into seven chapters:


Errata Sheet - Railway Noise Guidance and Calculation Corrections

Chapter 1 - Basic Overview of the Environmental Noise Problem

Chapter 2 - The Noise Regulation

Chapter 3 - Major Policy Questions

Chapter 4 - Noise Attenuation

 - Chapter 4 Supplement: Sound Transmission Class Guidance
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Chapter 5 - Noise Assessment Guidelines

Chapter 6 - Noise Assessment Guidelines Workbook

Chapter 7 - The Use of Noise Measurements