News Archive

What's New: December 2009


Invasive Lionfish Diet Could Impact Native Coral Reef Fishes

Lionfish are uninvited visitors in Atlantic waters. Now, research suggests that the diet of these invasive fish could impact the distribution of other fish living in Bahamian coral reefs. More...


NOAA Studies Shed New Light on Bacterial Disease Affecting Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Population

Mycobacteriosis is a serious disease that affects up to 70 percent of adult striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay. Two studies published in 2009 provide important new clues into how widely this disease is distributed, as well as how long it has been around in the Bay region. More...

Scarlet Knight

Ocean Glider Completes First-Ever Ocean Crossing

On December 9, officials from NOAA joined scientists from Rutgers University and other overseas institutions in a celebration highlighting the first-ever trans-Atlantic ocean crossing of an unmanned, underwater glider. More...

St. John image

High-resolution Data Sets Are First for Caribbean Islands Region

The Coastal Change Analysis Program of NOAA's Coastal Services Center recently released high-resolution impervious surface data and 2002-era land cover data for St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. More...


Workshops Build Understanding of the Federal Consistency Provision

Over the past two months, the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) has held several workshops on the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) federal consistency provision. More...

a jack in marine protected waters

NOAA Enters New Partnership with French Marine Protected Areas Agency

On November 17, the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries signed a partnership agreement with its newest international partner, France's Agence des Aires Marine Prot�g�es (AAMP). The agreement sets the stage for a five-year collaboration that will focus on an exchange of experience and expertise in various realms of marine protected area designation and management. More...

whale rescue

Another Record-breaking Year for Spill Response

In fiscal year 2009, the Office of Response and Restoration's Emergency Response Division once again responded to a record number of incidents. More...

whale rescue

NOAA Staff Free Juvenile Whale in Hawaii

On Dec. 6, a team from NOAA's Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA's Pacific Islands Regional Office, and Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources successfully freed a young humpback whale that had become dangerously entangled with rope. More...

Aerial photo of grounded barge

NOS Responds to November 2009 Nor'easter

The week of November 9, the remnants of Hurricane Ida combined with a coastal storm to produce a powerful nor'easter that wreaked havoc along the mid-Atlantic coast. In the wake of the storm, the National Geodetic Survey and Office of Coast Survey responded, surveying impacted areas. More...
