
Coastal GeoTools is the conference series that focuses on the technical information needs of the nation’s coastal programs. The 2013 conference will focus on building the Digital Coast, a Web platform that provides access to geos​patial data, tools​, and technical training.​

Preliminary Program Now Available!

The preliminary program for Coastal GeoTools 2013 is now available online! Visit the Program page to see session times and conference events. You can also print the preliminary program by clicking the image to open it in a separate window. 



Registration for Coastal GeoTools 2013 is open! Early registration will open in November and continue through January 31, with fees of $360. Late registration will be open February 1 through March 18, with fees rising to $400. Register early to save with the lower rate!

Information for Coastal GeoTools hotel reservations can be found on the Venue page.


That’s right – the Coastal GeoTools conference is on Twitter! We would love to hear your ideas for everything from abstract submission tracks to plenary speakers! Use #CoastalGeoTools to tweet about the conference and follow posts from the conference organizers.​​​​


R​egistration ​

Information for NOAA Federal Staff 

All others ​register


Latest Tweets


modify an Abstract 

 Established UsersEdit

Abstract submis​sion is closed.
