September 11, 2003


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


The Offices of Environmental Management (EM) and Fissile Materials Disposition (NA-26) have informed me that shipment of Low Enriched Uranium materials from Savannah River Site has commenced. This completes the Department’s commitment #224 in the 2000-l implementation plan:  “Begin disposition of pre-existing enriched uranium solution and enriched uranium solution resulting from Mk-16/22 SNF dissolution.”


If you have any questions, please contact me at 202-586-3887.


Mark B. Whitaker, Jr.

Departmental Representative to the

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board



J. Roberson, EM-1

E. Siskin, NA-26