April 21, 2003


The Honorable John T. Conway


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


This letter is in response to your February 14, 2003, letter regarding the Department of Energy’s programs related to suspect/counterfeit items (S/CI) in safety-related or mission-sensitive applications.  I understand and agree with your concerns regarding this issue.  We are taking the necessary actions to ensure that items and components installed in safety-related or mission-sensitive applications, affecting defense nuclear facilities, meet the intended function and operability requirements.


I have directed the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health, Ms. Beverly Cook, to take the lead for the Department in this area.  Ms. Cook is working closely with the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, the Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, and the Offices of the General Counsel and Inspector General to complete the investigation of the use of improperly heat-treated aluminum parts and materials from Temperform USA.  She will also ensure that the Department has an effective process in place to deal with these issues in the future.


Enclosures one and two discuss the current status of the investigation by Environmental Management and the National Nuclear Security Administration into parts and materials from Temperform USA.  Attachment three describes the improvements to our S/CI process.


While our investigation to-date indicates that some of our sites did have procurements involving Temperform, we do not believe that potentially nonconforming aluminum parts heat-treated by that company were installed in safety-related or mission-critical applications affecting defense nuclear facilities, except possibly at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).  At LANL the suspect materials are being removed, as appropriate from service and an analysis of safety impact is currently underway.  Ms. Cook will continue to update you on our progress until we have completed our planned actions.


Spencer Abraham

