National Nuclear Security Administration


May 26, 2005


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger

Acting Chairman

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW.

Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Dr. Eggenberger:


Commitment 4.4 of the Department’s implementation plan for Recommendation 2002-3 calls for submission of a report of completed training and copies of changes to relevant training plans or programs on the recently issued DOE-STD-1186-2004, Specific Administrative Controls.  On November 4, 2004, the Secretary revised the due date for commitment 4.4 to May 31, 2005, to allow additional time to complete the training after issuance of the standard in August 2004.


All National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) sites have completed the required initial training and made the appropriate changes to their training plans or programs to include training on DOE-STD-1186-2004.  NNSA guidance provided to the sites and the response of all sites are provided on the enclosed compact disk.


If you have any questions about this submission or about our path forward on this or other NNSA commitments under the implementation plan, please contact me or have your staff contact Jeff Underwood at (301) 903-8303.




Thomas P. D’Agostino

Acting Deputy Administrator

  for Defense Programs




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