National Nuclear Security Administration


September 9, 2005


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has completed Commitment 4.1.6 of the Implementation Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety Software of Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities, with one exception.  This commitment required NNSA to revise its Headquarters (HQ) and Site Office Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manuals (FRAMs) to incorporate Federal responsibilities and authorities for Software Quality Assurance (SQA).  In addition, NNSA’s May 2005 Quality Assurance (QA) Roadmap Mile Marker #1 calls for clear roles and responsibilities for QA implementation.


On February 28, 2005, we provided you the revised HQ FRAM.  We have recently approved revised FRAMs from all NNSA Site Offices, except for the Los Alamos Site Office (LASO).  Although the LASO FRAM addresses the SQA, it is inadequate in other safety management areas and is being revised.  Kansas City Site Office is exempt for the SQA requirements and as such its FRAM is not required to address SQA.  Other Site Office FRAMs adequately cover SQA and other safety management responsibilities and authorities.  Copies of approved Site Office FRAMs are enclosed.  We expect to provide you a revised LASO FRAM by October 31, 2005.  Also, we will continue to update the HQ and Site Office FRAMs as the Department’s FRAM is updated and as part of our efforts to further clarify our roles and responsibilities.


We would also like to update you on our path forward in response to your December 8, 2003, reporting requirement.  We now expect to (1) establish dispositions on former Albuquerque and other Operations Offices supplemental directives by January 31, 2006, and (2) develop recommendations on revisions to DOE Orders and Directives of interest to the Board by April 29, 2006.  These planned activities are identical to those described in our letter of June 4, 2004; the schedules have been updated and they have been integrated with the FRAM implementation and QA Roadmap activities.


If you have any questions, please have your staff contact Rabi Singh, Office of Operations and Construction Management, NA-124 at (301) 903-5864.




Thomas P. D’Agostino

Acting Deputy Administrator

  for Defense Programs



(Note:  Please call Rabi Singh at 301-903-5864 for a copy of the enclosures.)


cc w/enclosures:

M. Whitaker, DR-1


cc w/o enclosures:

L. Brooks, NA-1

J. Paul, NA-2