[doe letterhead]


National Nuclear Security Administration


November 3, 2006


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


This is a follow-up to my February 13, 2006, letter concerning the proposed National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) directives system.  This letter provides our path forward and target schedule for implementation.  My staff briefed your staff on this topic on October 12, 2006.  Key elements of our planned NNSA directives system are as follows:


!       NNSA directives will be issued by NNSA as needed to promote safe, secure, cost-effective, and efficient operations.  NNSA directives will assign requirements, responsibilities, and procedures at the Headquarters, Site Office, and Service Center levels.  NNSA directives will also contain Contractor Requirements Documents if the directives contain requirements for NNSA contractors.


!       NNSA directives will follow the same general process and format as that for DOE directives.  NNSA directives will state clearly their relationship to DOE directives and identify specific provisions, if any, that deviate from DOE directives.  NNSA exemptions to requirements in DOE directives will be reviewed and approved through established Departmental mechanisms.


!       The NNSA directives system will include the following:  (1) policies, (2) orders and manuals, (3) guides and technical standards, and (4) operating procedures.  NNSA policies, orders and manuals will be approved by either the NNSA Administrator or Principal Deputy Administrator.  NNSA guides, technical standards and operating procedures may be approved by NNSA Deputy or Associate Administrators.


!       The NNSA directives system will include protocols for review by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) of NNSA directives related to safety.  These review protocols will apply to policies, orders and manuals, guides and technical standards and will be consistent with Departmental policy.  These review protocols will be similar to those provided in DOE Manual 251.1-1B, Departmental Directives System Manual.


!       NNSA Site Office directives will be approved by the Site Office Managers, and the NNSA Service Center directives will be approved by the Service Center Director.


With a view toward establishing the new NNSA directives system and planning for implementation, we have identified the following target milestones and schedule:


!       Complete draft NNSA directive on the NNSA directives system – by February 15, 2007.


!       Complete review of draft NNSA directive on the NNSA directives system by March 15, 2007.


!       Approve and issue NNSA directive on the NNSA directives system, along with project plan for implementing the directive – by June 15, 2007.


We will follow the DOE Manual 251.1-1B, Departmental Directives System Manual, with regard to the Board's review of this directive.  We look forward to continuing to work with you and your staff as we develop the NNSA directives system.


Please contact me or have your staff contact Rabi Singh at 301-903-5864 if you have any questions.




Linton F. Brooks




M. Whitaker, Jr., HS-1.1