October 30, 2008


The Honorable Thomas P. D'Agostino


National Nuclear Security Administration

U.S. Department of Energy

1000 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20585-0701


Dear Mr. D'Agostino:


The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) recently scheduled the fourth in a series of public meetings and hearings concerning the Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) efforts to integrate safety earlier into the design and construction process. It will take place December 5, 2008. This public meeting and hearing will consider implementation of DOE Order 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets, DOE-STD-1189, Integration of Safety into the Design Process, and commitments from the

July 19, 2007, Joint Report to Congress, Improving the Identification and Resolution of Safety Issues During the Design and Construction of DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities.


The Board has prepared the enclosed list of questions to facilitate gathering information at the upcoming public meeting. The questions outline the areas of interest to the Board and are calculated to foster a full and open discussion of the issues to be considered. They should be viewed as a starting point for the discussions that will occur during the public meeting and hearing. 


The Board requests that each invited speaker from DOE and NNSA incorporate answers to the attached list of questions applicable to his or her testimony in their presentation before the Board at the upcoming public meeting and hearing. 


Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 2286b(d), the Board requests that each DOE and NNSA speaker provide a draft of their written testimony for the public meeting and hearing to the Board no later than November 26, 2008.




A. J. Eggenberger



Enclosure: as stated


cc: The Honorable James A. Rispoli

The Honorable William C. Ostendorff

Mr. Glenn S. Podonsky

Ms. Ingrid A. C. Kolb

Mr. Paul Bosco

Mr. Mark B. Whitaker, Jr.