NPS Director's Order 12: Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis and Decision Making
Table of Contents
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Administrative records
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Analysis boundaries

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Budgetary projections, decision documents and

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Categorical Exclusion Forms

formalization of
use of
use with Environmental Screening Forms (Section 2.6)
use with Environmental Screening Forms (Section 3.8)

Categorical exclusions

actions related to development and
actions related to general administration and
actions related to grant programs and
actions related to resource management protection and
actions related to visitor use and
administrative process
consideration of multiple actions
decision document filing and
description (Section 3.1)
description (Section 3.6)
documentation process
documenting a NEPA analysis and
exceptions to
list of CEs for which no formal documentation is necessary
plans, studies, and reports and
public involvement in actions
using the CE lists

CEFs. See Categorical exclusion forms
CEQ. See Council on Environmental Quality
CEs. See Categorical exclusions
Connected actions
“Considering Cumulative Effects under the National Environmental Policy Act,”
Construction actions
Cooperating agencies (Section 2.13)
Cooperating agencies (Section 8.2)
Council on Environmental Quality

creation of
criteria for designating a lead agency
emergency actions and
NEPA planning process and

Cumulative actions
Cumulative effects
Cyclic Maintenance Guide

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Decision documents

budgetary projections and
categorical exclusions
changes in the selected action and
findings of no significant impact
monitoring and
records of decision

Definitions of terms
Direct effects

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EAs. See Environmental assessments
EISs. See Environmental impact statements
Emergency actions
Endangered Species Act

categorical exclusions and
federal agency cooperation and
findings of no significant impact and
records of decision and
Environmental assessments
administrative process of review of
administrative record and
alternatives and (Section 2.7)
alternatives and (Section 5.4)
categorical exclusions and (Section 3.5)
categorical exclusions and (Section 3.6)
completing the EA process
consultation and coordination section
environmental impact statements and (Section 4.9)
environmental impact statements and (Section 4.10)
environmental impact statements and (Section 5.4)
findings of no significant impact and (Section 6.0)
findings of no significant impact and (Section 6.3)
format and content of
for general management plans
length of
mitigated EAs
preferred alternatives and
public involvement in
public meetings about
public review of
purposes of
references section
response to comments
scoping and
tiering and
uses for
when to prepare (Section 2.10)
when to prepare (Section 5.2)

Environmental impact statements

abbreviated final version
actions that normally require an EIS
administrative record and
alternatives and
categorical exclusions and (Section 3.5)
categorical exclusions and (Section 3.6)
changes in the selected alternative
contractor preparation of
cooperating agency comments
criteria for significant impact
draft EIS notice of availability/filing with EPA
environmental assessments and (Section 4.10)
environmental assessments and (Section 5.4)
exceptions to
final filing with EPA
final version (Section 4.6)
final version (Section 8.5)
findings of no significant impact and
format of
for general management plans
historic properties and
notice of intent to prepare
ongoing or continuing action
preferred alternatives and
public involvement requirements
public meetings/hearings on
recipients of draft versions
recipients of final versions
records of decision and (Section 6.0)
records of decision and (Section 6.2)
response options
review guidelines
review process
substantive comments
supplements to
termination process
tiering and
timelines for review of draft versions
when to prepare

Environmental Justice in Minority and Low-Income Populations, Executive Order 12898
Environmental Protection Agency, environmental impact statements and (Section 1.4)
Environmental Protection Agency, environmental impact statements and (Section 4.8)
Environmental Protection Agency, environmental impact statements and (Section 8.3)
Environmental Review Memorandum series
Environmental Screening Forms

NEPA analysis and (Section 2.1)
NEPA analysis and (Section 2.10)
reasons for completing (Section 2.6)
reasons for completing (Appendix 1)
use with the categorical exclusion form (Section 2.6)
use with the categorical exclusion form (Section 3.6)
uses of

Environmentally preferred alternatives
ESA. See Endangered Species Act
ESFs. See Environmental Screening Forms
External scoping, environmental impact statements and

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Federal Noxious Weed Control Act
Federal Register

environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements and (Section 4.8)
environmental impact statements and (Section 8.3)
findings of no significant impact, publication (Section 6.3)
findings of no significant impact, publication (Section 6.4)
records of decision, publication in

Findings of no significant impact (FONSI)

as contracts with the public
endangered species and
environmental impact statements and (Section 4.10)
environmental impact statements and (Section 5.5)
errata sheets
floodplains and wetlands and
functions of
for general management plans
historic properties and
impairment of park resources and
impairment potential and
mitigation and
signatory for
waiting period for
wetlands and floodplains and

Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
Floodplain Management, Executive Order 11988

categorical exclusions and
NEPA document cooperation and

FONSI. See Findings of no significant impact
Format of environmental impact statements

Affected environment
consultation and coordination section
cover sheet
impact chapter
mandatory topics
purpose and need for action
references section

“Forty Most Asked Questions Concerning CEQ's NEPA Regulations” 1
Freedom of Information Act

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General management plans

EISs for
reasons to prepare EISs

Grant programs

categorical exclusions and
environmental impact statements and

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citations in DO-12 and
DO-12 and
use of

Historic Structures Preservation Guide

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IDTs. See Interdisciplinary teams
Impact chapter of the EIS

Context analysis
criteria for
displaying impact information
impact indicators
impact thresholds
incomplete or unavailable information
mitigation analysis
organizing the impact chapter
sustainability and long-term management considerations

Impact chapter of the environmental assessment
Impairment of park resources

decision document filing
findings of no significant impact and
process review and

Indian Trust resources, evaluating impact of the proposal on (Section 2.13)
Indian Trust resources, evaluating impact of the proposal on (Section 4.5)
Indirect effects
Interdisciplinary teams

cumulative effects and
identifying issues or environmental problems
issue definition
membership of
memos to file and
site visitation
Internal scoping
description and process (Section 2.6)
description and process (Section 2.10)
description and process (Section 3.2)
environmental impact statements and

Issue definition

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Lead agencies
List of Endangered or Threatened Species
Low-income populations, evaluating impact of the proposal on

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Memos to file

decision document filing and
documenting a NEPA analysis and
using instead of the ESF

Minority populations, evaluating impact of the proposal on

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National Environmental Policy Act. See also Review of non-NPS NEPA documents

agency planning and
analytic rather than encyclopedic nature of documents
common sense basis
Council on Environmental Quality creation
documentation candor
early planning requirement
federal action examples
focus of documents
holistic nature of
inclusivity requirement
interdisciplinary approach
National Park Service Organic Act and (Section 1.2)
National Park Service Organic Act and (Section 1.5)
NEPA documents as building blocks
objectivity of
procedural qualities
project proposal/contracting process
public process and
purpose of
requirements of
site-specific environmental impact information requirement (Section 1.4)
site-specific environmental impact information requirement (Section 1.6)
site-specific environmental impact information requirement (Section 7.2)
specificity of data needed
systematic analyses requirement
tiering and (Section 7.1)
tiering and (Section 7.4)
tiering and (Section 8.5)
timing of implementation (Section 1.5)
timing of implementation (Section 7.1)
timing of implementation (Section 7.2)
tools for implementing
tools to help foster excellent action

National Historic Landmark Program, categorical exclusions and
National Historic Preservation Act

categorical exclusions and
federal agency cooperation and
findings of no significant impact and
records of decision and

National Marine Fisheries Service
National Natural Landmark Program, categorical exclusions and
Park Service Organic Act (Section 1.2)
Park Service Organic Act (Section 1.5)
Park Service Organic Act (Section 6.0)
National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998
National Register of Historic Places

categorical exclusions and (Section 3.4)
categorical exclusions and (Section 3.5)
environmental impact statements and

National Trails system, environmental impact statements and
NHPA. See National Historic Preservation Act
“No action” alternatives

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Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance, review of non-NPS NEPA documents

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Preferred alternatives, environmental impact statements or environmental assessments and (Section 2.1)
Preferred alternatives, environmental impact statements or environmental assessments and (Section 4.5)
Process overview

administrative record or project file
analysis boundaries
analysis process
choice of pathways
connected actions
consistency with sections 101 and 102(1) of NEPA
cumulative actions
cumulative effects
defining the proposal
direct effects
emergency actions
environmentally preferred alternatives
external scoping
federal, state, and local laws that overlap with NEPA
impact categories
impairment of park resources
indirect effects
internal scoping
issue description
lead and cooperating agencies and
need definition
“no action” alternative
options to document a NEPA analysis
purpose definition
range of alternatives
reasonable alternatives
similar actions
state agencies and
using contractors
working with other agencies
Programmatic documents and planning EISs for general management plans
feasibility and planning
long-term resource management and
NEPA as a compliance action
NEPA documents as building blocks
programs and policies
questions to ask
tiering (Section 7.1)
tiering (Section 7.4)
tiering (Section 8.5)

Project files
Proposed actions, environmental impact statements or environmental assessments and (Section 2.1)
Proposed actions, environmental impact statements or environmental assessments and (Section 4.5)
Protection of Wetlands, Executive Order 11990

categorical exclusions and
NEPA cooperation and

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Reasonable alternatives, environmental impact statements or environmental assessments and (Section 2.7)
Reasonable alternatives, environmental impact statements or environmental assessments and (Section 4.5)
Records of decision

CEQ requirements
as contracts with the public
endangered species and
floodplains and wetlands and
historic properties and
impairment potential and
notice publication
signatory for
wetland/floodplain statements and

Review agencies
Review of non-NPS NEPA documents

comment requirements
consequences of declining to review
departmental comment letters
extensions of review deadlines
final EISs
review deadlines
review guidelines for EISs
specific NEPA comments
style and format for environmental review comments
summary contents
types of NPS comments on draft EISs

RODs. See Records of decision

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Secretarial Order 3175 and ECM95-2
Similar actions

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Tiering 86 (Section 7.1)
Tiering 86 (Section 7.4)
Tiering 86 (Section 8.5)

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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Wetlands and floodplains

findings of no significant impact and
records of decision and

Wild and Scenic Rivers proposals, environmental impact statements and

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