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Background: Characteristics of Osteoarthritis

What To Discuss With Your Patients and Their Caregivers

Make Judgments About the Applicability of Individual Studies. For efficacy trials, clearly report characteristics that may limit applicability. Describe those characteristics in the text or in evidence tables under the heading “comments” or “limitations.” Describe how important factors would affect applicability and the expected direction and magnitude of bias.

Make Judgments About the Applicability of Individual Studies

This slide presents a table of two columns, with one header row and five data rows.  The header row contains titles describing the contents of each column. Column one is labeled: Domain.  Column two is labeled: Description of Applicability Evidence for a Key Question. In row one, Domain: Population. Description of Applicability Evidence for a Key Question: Describe the general characteristics of enrolled populations and how they may differ from the target population. Where possible, describe proportions (percentage older than 65) rather than an age range or average age. In row two, Domain: Intervention. Description of Applicability Evidence for a Key Question: Describe the general characteristics of the interventions, how they compare to routine practice, and how this may affect benefits or harms. In row three, Domain: Comparators. Description of Applicability Evidence for a Key Question: Describe comparators, whether they reflect best alternative therapy, and how this may impact treatment effect size. In row four, Domain: Outcomes. Description of Applicability Evidence for a Key Question: Describe outcomes most frequently reported and over what period of time. Describe whether or not these outcomes reflect the most important benefits or harms. In row five, Domain: is Setting. Description of Applicability Evidence for a Key Question: Describe the settings in which the studies were conducted and the potential implications of using the intervention elsewhere.

Step 3. Applicability Summary Table Template

Key Messages (II). Reviewers should routinely select the most important characteristics that may limit applicability and assess whether variation within the factors may modify outcome effects. Reports should clearly highlight issues about applicability of individual studies in a “comments” or “limitations” section in evidence tables or in the text. Meta-regression and/or separate applicability summary tables may help reviewers, and those using the reports, to see how the body of evidence applies to the question at hand. Judgments about applicability of the evidence should consider the entire body of studies. Important limitations of the applicability of the evidence should be described within each summary conclusion.
Questions To Consider When Classifying Study Design. Did the study have more than one group or arm? If so, was a control group present? Did investigators have control over allocation and timing of the intervention? Did investigators randomly allocate subjects to interventions? Did investigators concurrently measure intervention and exposure status for intervention and comparison groups? Did investigators concurrently measure outcomes for intervention and comparison groups?

Apply Predefined Criteria for All Study Types (I)

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