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Colorado, Then and Now

2013 March 1

Documerica Returns has made it’s way to the Rockies! For the next month, the Traveling Exhibit will be based out of EPA Region 8.

The exhibit debuted at the Colorado Environmental Film Festival and will be making various stops in and around Denver, CO.

We invite you to stay tuned for upcoming Exhibit stops and to join the effort to match area Documerica scenes if you live nearby. As always, you can find Documerica photos to match near you, anywhere in the United States, by following this easy guide.

Documerica and Colorado

Share what Colorado looks like today for State of the Environment. Below, we have highlighted a few historical photos for fun. This modern version of Documerica, is about what you see happening in our lives and environment today.

Take it up a notch by matching these (perhaps not the Volkswagen scene) or other Documerica images from Colorado as they exist today. Let us know which scene you matched in your photo description and we’ll give it added attention as part of the Documerica Then and Now Challenge.

DOCUMERICA: Backyard solar heating system being installed at a home..., 05/1975 by Boyd Norton.

DOCUMERICA:Backyard solar heating system being installed at a home..., 05/1975 by Boyd Norton.

DOCUMERICA: Hunters Taking Their Deer Back to Denver Must Stop at Check Station North of Rifle, CO 1972 by David Hiser.

DOCUMERICA: Hunters Taking Their Deer Back to Denver Must Stop at Check Station North of Rifle, CO 1972 by David Hiser.

DOCUMERICA: Rock School, Built in 1897, Still Serves the Children of the Piceance Creek Area. the One Room School House Takes Them from the First Grade through the Eighth. the Building Also Functions as a Community Center, 10/1973 by David Hiser.

DOCUMERICA: Rock School, Built in 1897, Still Serves the Children of the Piceance Creek Area. the One Room School House Takes Them from the First Grade through the Eighth. the Building Also Functions as a Community Center, 10/1973 by David Hiser.

DOCUMERICA: Three Generations of Oldlands Have Ranched on Piceance Creek. in the Summer They Move 15 Miles South to Their Cow Camp, and Their Cattle Graze on Higher Lands Owned by the Bureau of Land Management and Private Oil Companies Haying Crew at Work, 07/1973 by Davis Hiser.

DOCUMERICA: Three Generations of Oldlands Have Ranched on Piceance Creek. in the Summer They Move 15 Miles South to Their Cow Camp, and Their Cattle Graze on Higher Lands Owned by the Bureau of Land Management and Private Oil Companies Haying Crew at Work, 07/1973 by Davis Hiser.

Our two featured photographers above, David Hiser and Boyd Norton, continue to take incredible photographs today. Both have graced many editions of National Geographic in their efforts to share stories of our world and environment. We invite you to take a look at their work since Documerica.

Our interview with Boyd Norton
Boyd Norton –
David Hiser –

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response
  1. Kiyohisa Tanada permalink
    March 3, 2013

    The photograph of Volkswagen is good

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