NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Publications & Reports

NERSC Annual Reports

NERSC's annual reports highlight the scientific accomplishments of its users and innovations of its staff. Read More »

Science Highlights Presentations

NERSC collects quarterly highlights of recent scientific work carried out by its users. Read More »

User Surveys

The annual survey responses provide feedback about every aspect of NERSC's operation, help us judge the quality of our services, give DOE information on how well NERSC is doing, and point us to areas we can improve. Read More »

HPC Requirements for Science

In support of its mission and to maintain its reputation as one of the best run scientific computing centers in the world, NERSC gathers requirements from its user community. These requirements are collected via a series of production computing requirements workshops with each of the six DOE Office of Science program offices. The workshops elicit information from program managers and key scientists about the current and future computational requirements for each science area managed by the particular program office. Read More »

Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

Some 4,000 scientists report about 1,500 peer-reviewed publications per year powered by the NERSC Center, making it the U.S. Department of Energy's most scientifically productive supercomputing user facility. Read More »