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STAR Test Environment

These instructions describe how to set up the STAR environment independent of the production environment in order to test different installations in $OPTSTAR and $GROUP_DIR.  If you want to modify those installations you will need access to the starofl account.

Bypass STAR envionment login

Edit your ~/.pdsf_setup file changing the STAR_LINUX_SETUP to "use_none" and start a new session.  You should not see all the STAR environmental variables defined when you do this (and it will probably be much quicker than usual, too).

Do a manual STAR login

If you want to modify what test environment you use copy the test login scripts to your own working area:

cp -r /common/star/startest /path/to/myworkdir/.

If you don't want to modify these files you can source them directly from the /common/star/startest directory. 

To source them simply do

source user.cshrc

source pdsf.cshrc

in the directory you have chosen to work in.  Now you should see all the STAR environmental variables defined.


The (unmodified) scripts sourced above will result in $OPTSTAR defined as /common/star/star53/opt/star/sl53_gcc432_32bit.  This install includes gcc-4.3.2 and all executables (except gcc-related) are 32-bit.  In the production environment $OPTSTAR is defined as /common/star/star53/opt/star/sl53_gcc432_old.  It also contains gcc-4.3.2 but not all libaries, executables, etc., are 32-bit.  Note that at PDSF $OPTSTAR and $XOPTSTAR are the same.


The (unmodified) scripts sourced above will result in $GROUP_DIR defined as /common/star/star53/group_test.  The production scripts will result in $GROUP defined as /common/star/star53/group where group is a soft link to the actual installation.