NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Support Nodes


Hopper  has nodes connected to the internal Gemini  network that provide functions that support the compute nodes.  These include job launch nodes (MOM nodes), Lustre router nodes, DVS nodes, networking nodes and nodes that support shared and dynamic libraries.

MOM Nodes (On Compute Blades)
  • manage and launch parallel applications
  • execute job scripts
  • 24 nodes
  • 32 GB of memory per node

Lustre Router Nodes (Service Nodes)
  • route IO data to the /scratch file systems
  • distributed throughout the Gemini network
  • 48 nodes

DVS Server Nodes (Service Nodes)
  • route IO data to the $HOME, $PROJECT and $GSCRATCH partitions in the NERSC Global File System
  • distributed throughout the internal Gemini network
  • 32 nodes

Shared-root DVS Server Nodes (on compute blades)
  • projects (almost) full-Linux image onto compute nodes, which enables shared library and dynamically compiled applications to run
  • 16 nodes
Data Mover Nodes
  •  handle  HPSS data traffic
  • 4 nodes
Networking Nodes
  • handle network traffic between the outside world land nodes on the internal Gemini network
  • 4 nodes