NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Visualization and Analysis for Nanoscale Control of Geologic Carbon Dioxide


* Collect experimental 2D-3D imaging data in order to investigate fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interactions;
* Provide algorithms for better understanding of processes governing fluid-fluid and fluid-rock systems, related to geologic sequestration of CO2;
* Develop image processing methods for analyzing experimental data and comparing it to simulations;
* Detect/reconstruct material interfaces, quantify contact angles, derive contact angle distribution, etc.


* Unveil knowledge required for developing technology to store CO2 safely in deep surface rock formations, thus reducing amount of CO2 in atmosphere;  More


* CRD: Wes Bethel, Dani Ushizima, Gunther Weber (SciDAC-e award)
* EFRC: Jiamin Wan, Yongman Kim, Tetsuo Tokunaga, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, D. De Paolo