NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NUG 2006

Dates June 12-13, 2006

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
James Forrestal Campus
U.S. Route 1 North/ Sayre Drive
Princeton, NJ 08543-0451


  NUG Business Meeting Monday, June 12 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, room B-318 Time (Eastern) Topic Presenter 9:00 Welcome & logistics Stephane Ethier, PPPL 9:15 DOE Update  Barbara Helland, DOE MICS 9:45 BREAK 10:00 NERSC Status and Five Year Plan 2006-2010  Bill Kramer, NERSC 11:15 BREAK 11:30 NERSC Metrics  Jonathan Carter, NERSC 12:00 LUNCH: An open discussion of metrics applied to NERSC   1:00 NUGEX Elections … Read More »

Attendee List

June 12-13 NUG Meeting Registrants  PPPL, On site 24 registered Name Affiliation Location Citizenship Days Monday Dinner? Matthew Andrews Berkeley Lab PPPL USA June 12-13 Yes Elena Belova PPPL PPPL Russian June 12-13 No Joshua Breslau PPPL PPPL U.S. June 12-13 Yes Jonathan Carter Berkeley Lab PPPL United Kingdom June 12-13 Yes Jin Chen PPPL PPPL Chinese June 12-13 No Jim Craw NERSC PPPL USA June 12 Yes … Read More »