NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


  Compiler-based Optimization

Download File: | ppt | 185 KB

  Libraries and Their Effects on Performance

Download File: JuneLibrarySlides.ppt | ppt | 2 MB

  Hybrid OpenMP and MPI Programming and Tuning

Download File: NUG2004yhehybrid.ppt | ppt | 337 KB

  Visualization Tools and Techniques on seaborg and escher

Download File: VisgroupJune04-NUG.ppt | ppt | 3.4 MB

  Introduction to Grid Technologies at NERSC

Download File: Grid.Tech.ppt | ppt | 323 KB
Download File: NUG-Grid-June2004.ppt | ppt | 1.1 MB
Download File: GFYNUGdemov2.ppt | ppt | 706 KB

  HPSS Tools, including HTAR

Download File: Htartutoriallatest.ppt | ppt | 42 KB

  NERSC View of the Greenbook

Download File: Saphir.ppt | ppt | 644 KB

  Security at NERSC: A Guide to Safe Computing

Download File: Lau.NUG.Training.June.2004.ppt | ppt | 730 KB

  High Energy Physics Greenbook Presentation

Download File: ryne.ppt | ppt | 481 KB

(Accelerator Physics, Astrophysics, Theory)

  Nuclear Physics Greenbook Presentation

Download File: olson-np.ppt | ppt | 1.3 MB

(Astrophysics, Nuclear Theory)

  ASCR Greenbook Presentation

Download File: colella.ppt | ppt | 20 KB

Applied Mathematics, Computer Science

  Basic Energy Sciences Greenbook Presentation

Download File: NUG-June-04-BES.pdf | pdf | 4.8 MB

(Chemical Sciences, Engineering Physics, Geosciences, Materials Sciences)

  Fusion Energy Greenbook Presentation

Download File: FES.ppt | ppt | 5.2 MB

  Biological and Environmental Sciences Greenbook Presentation

Download File: Vince004.ppt | ppt | 163 KB
Download File: life.ppt | ppt | 2.5 MB

(Climate Research, Life Sciences)

  NERSC Summarizes the Greenbook Requirements

Download File: saphir2.ppt | ppt | 100 KB