NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Yushu Yao

Yushu Yao
Analytics Group,
Phone: (510) 486-4690, Fax: (510) 486-4316
1 Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 943-256
Berkeley, CA 94720 US

Conference Papers

Zhengji Zhao, Mike Davis, Katie Antypas, Yushu Yao, Rei Lee and Tina Butler, “Shared Library Performance on Hopper”, A paper presented in the Cray User Group meeting, Apri 29-May-3, 2012, Stuttgart, German., May 3, 2012,


Zhengji Zhao, Mike Davis, Katie Antypas, Yushu Yao, Rei Lee and Tina Butler, Shared Library Performance on Hopper, A talk in the Cray User Group meeting, Apri 29-May-3, 2012, Stuttgart, German., May 3, 2012,