The table below lists the number of OSHA-170 abstracts by keyword value. The keywords are established at the time the abstract is reviewed.

KeyWord Occurances - 19393
Idler10 Idlh13 Ignition System62
Impaled237 Implosion5 Inadequate Maint640
Inattention4758 Incinerator14 Ind Trk Operator1035
Induced Current24 Industrial Truck5923 Inexperience762
Infection184 Infectious Disease79 Inflating183
Inhalation1828 Insecticide8 Installing2596
Insulated Tool93 Insulator34 Interlock267
Intermodal Container3 Intoxicated114 Iron42
Iron Worker355 Ironing Machine21 Irrigation Equipment37
Irrigation Pipe34 Isocyanate8 Isopropanol8
Isopropyl Alcohol16