
Accident Investigation Search
OSHA Office
Event Date
Insp Nr
Search Results
Accident Details
Inspection Details

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  Accident Investigation Search
The Accident Investigation Search page enables searching the OSHA Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) enforcement database for accident abstracts which contain specified terms. The abstracts originate from the Accident Investigation (OSHA-170) form. This database contains abstracts dating back to 1984 and injury data dating back to 1972. The database is updated daily from over 120 OSHA Area and State 18b plan offices.

Within the Description field, enter keyword(s) to search againt the description of the accident. For example, to obtain accidents that have the keywords steel casters within the description, enter the key words steel casters.
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Within the Abstract field, enter keyword(s) to search againt the abstract of the accident. For example, to obtain accidents that have the keywords molten aluminum within the description, enter the key words molten aluminum.
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Within the keyword field, enter a keyword to be searched against. For example, to obtain accident investigations involving boats, enter the key word boat. To view a list of key words, use the keyword list at the bottom of the Accident Investigation Search page.
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Check this box to display accident reports that have fatalities.
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The SIC may be specified at the 2, 3, or 4-digit level. When searching using a two or three digit SIC, the search results will return the SIC range ending in 00 - 99 for a two digit SIC and from 0 - 9 for a three digit search. For example, if the two digit SIC 01 was entered, the results would include the SIC from 0100 through 0199. If the three digit SIC 011 was entered, the results would include the SIC from 0110 through 0119. Inspections in all industries will be selected if no SIC specification is made. An online SIC code manual is available for help in finding SIC information.
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OSHA Office

The OSHA office is used to identify the OSHA Directorate involved in the inspection. The Fed & State selection identifies the OSHA Area Office or State reporting entity which was responsible for conducting the inspection.
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Event Date

The descriptive text associated with an accident investigation is subject to a careful review process. An accident investigation search will only return results that have gone through this review process and will usually not include recent investigations.

This option enables specification of a date range specifying the date the accident was investigated. Choose a starting date and an ending date from the drop-down lists. The following rules apply for the date range:
  • The date range defaults to five years.
  • An inspection for a specific date can be found by choosing the Start Date and leaving the End Date blank.
  • The largest time span between the Start Date and End Date is 10 years. If the time span between the Start Date and End Date is greater than 10 years, the time span will default to 10 years from the End Date.
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Insp Nbr

If the specific inspection Number is known, enter it in this field, This option will return the results for the accident investigation with that unique inspection number.
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Search Results

The search results displays the inspections using the criteria specified in the Inspections within Industry form. At the top of the search results page lists the specifics of the search criteria. The Accident Search Result Page contains the following information:
  • Summary Nr. - Provides a unique identifier for the accident. By clicking this link, specific information for this accident will be displayed
  • Event Date - the date the accident occurred
  • Report ID - Identifies the OSHA office or organizational unit responsible for the accident investigation
  • Fat - Indicates whether there was a fatality involved in the accident. An X indicated that there was a facility
  • SIC - Indicates the 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification Code from the 1987 version SIC manual which most closely applies. By clicking on this link, the SIC description is displayed
  • Event Description - A description of the accident
Searches may be sorted by Date or Office. Clicking the check box next to the search result and clicking the Get Detail button will display the inspection details for each accident. If more than 20 results are returned, click on the arrow next to the Result Page text to navigate to the other search results. To return to the search page to perform another search, click on the Return to Search link.
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Accident Details

The Accident Report Details page displays the accident number and the description of th accident. The report contains the following additional information:
  • Inspection - Provides a unique identifier for the accident. Clicking on this link will display the inspection Detail page.
  • Open Date - the date the accident occurred
  • SIC - Indicates the 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification Code from the 1987 version SIC manual which most closely applies. By clicking on this link, the SIC description is displayed
  • Name of the employer.compant
  • A detail description of the accident event
  • Keywords - The keywords that identify the accident
  • End Use - Identifies final use of the project if applicable
  • Proj Type - Identifies the type of project
  • Proj Cost - The cost of the project
  • Stories - Identifies the number of stories the building contains if applicable
  • Fatality - Indicates whether there was a fatality involved in the accident. An X indicated that there was a facility
  • Age - Age of the person(s) involved in the accident
  • Sex - The gender of those involved in the accident
  • Degree - The degree of injury to those involved in the accident
  • Nature - A brief description of the injuries sustained by those involved in the accident
  • Construction - Detail of the accident including the fall distance, fall height, cause of the accident, and the cause of the fatality if applicable.
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Inspection Details

The Inspection Details page displays the detail of the inspection. The report contains the following additional information:
  • Report ID - Provides a unique identifier for the report.
  • Open Date - the date the accident occurred
  • Address of the accident site
  • SIC - Indicates the 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification Code from the 1987 version SIC manual which most closely applies. By clicking on this link, the SIC description is displayed
  • Inspection type - The type of inspection performed
  • Scope - Scope the investigation
  • Ownership - Type of ownership
  • Safety/Health - Indicates whether the inspection was safety or health related
  • Emphasis - Emphasis of the investigation
  • Advance notice - Indicates if the investigation was planned in advance
  • Close Conference - Date the investigation was closed
  • Close Case - Date the investigation was closed
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