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"health-related quality of life"

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Outcomes and Applicability: Examples. Trials of biologics for rheumatoid arthritis that used radiographic progression rather than symptom evaluations as an outcome measure. Trials comparing cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs that used endoscopy-evaluated ulceration rather than symptomatic ulcers as an outcome measure.

Outcomes and Applicability: Examples

This slide graphically presents numerical differences in the incidence of late xerostomia reported by nine different reports comparing IMRT vs. 2DRT. The difference in percentages of adverse avents that occurred with IMRT vs. 2DRT ranged from 43% to 62%. Consistent between-group differences were found for two outcomes: late xerostomia and health-related quality of life domains related to xerostomia.Eight were statistically significant in favor of IMRT.
Four Domains Used To Assess Relevant Studies
The following four major domains were examined: risk of bias (low, medium, high), consistency (no inconsistency, inconsistency present, unknown, or not applicable), directness (direct, indirect), and precision (precise, imprecise). Four of the outcomes (health-related quality of life, shoulder function, cuff integrity and time to return to work) for each comparison of interest were given an overall evidence grade based on the ratings for the individual domains.
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