HIV/AIDS Highlights from the 2011 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference


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Co-authored by Meico Whitlock, Fellow

CBCF "HIV Criminalization" Panel

Panelists at the “HIV Criminalization: Why It Should Matter to You” session from left to right: Vanessa Johnson, U.S. People Living with AIDS Caucus; Terrance Moore, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors; Patrick Packer, Southern AIDS Coalition; Allison Nichol, U.S. Department of Justice; Catherine Hanssens, Center for HIV Law and Policy; Monique Moore, HIV Advocate and Author of “Living Inside My Skin of Silence;” Oscar Mairena, Staff Assistant, Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Office.


The nation’s HIV/AIDS epidemic was a key topic of discussion during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Exit Disclaimer 2011 Annual Legislative Conference Exit Disclaimer held earlier this fall. Thousands of African American elected officials, business leaders, media representatives, and others assembled for the four-day event in Washington, DC.

HIV/AIDS Special Focus of Women’s Health Summit

The conference got underway with a summit on women’s health that had a special focus on HIV/AIDS and African American women. The summit was convened by several partners including the National Council of Negro Women Exit Disclaimer National Action Network Exit Disclaimer (NAN).

Congresswoman Lee Reflects on 30 Years of AIDS

The Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA) hosted a session commemorating 30 years of HIV/AIDS, entitled “A View of HIV/AIDS at 30.” Panelists reflected on the last 30 years of the epidemic. They celebrated the accomplishments and successes, such as the reduction of mother-to-child transmission, significant advances in treatment, and the development of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). Panelists also underscored the need to address increasing rates of new HIV infection within the African American community, particularly among young gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Representative Lee discussed the recent launch of the bipartisan Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus which she co-chairs. She noted that it had 59 members at its launch. Congresswoman Lee also announced that she had recently introduced a bill that would create incentives and support for states to reform existing policies that use the criminal law to target people living with HIV and punish behavior that is otherwise legal or that poses no measurable risk of HIV transmission. Congresswoman Donna Christensen (U.S. Virgin Islands) also participated, discussing Congressional efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities.

Examining HIV Criminalization Issues

Another session, coordinated by the CBCF’s Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative, examined the issue of HIV criminalization in more depth. Ms. Catherine Hanssens of the Center for HIV Law and Policy Exit Disclaimer discussed her organization’s advocacy work on this issue and highlighted information resources available from them. Mr. Terrance Moore from the National Alliance of State and Territorial Directors (NASTAD Exit Disclaimer) shared preliminary findings of a survey that gathered information regarding states’ awareness of policies and practices that sanction the criminalization of exposure and/or transmission of HIV. The complete findings from the survey will be released by NASTAD later this fall. Ms. Allison Nichol of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) discussed her agency’s work to investigate claims of HIV discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. She highlighted the new website which presents information about the rights of people live with HIV/AIDS and allows the public to file discrimination complaints with the Department of Justice. at the ALC

Finally, had the opportunity to engage with many ALC participants at our booth in the exhibit hall where we launched the 2011 Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day photo sharing campaign. In addition, we collaborated with our colleagues at the Red Pump Project Exit Disclaimer to leverage Twitter to promote the several sessions about HIV/AIDS and to share information with followers live from those sessions.


  1. Clarence L. JUohnsom says:

    The next time the the Congressional Black Caucus or any group hold a conference on HIV Transmission and Prevention I would like to be included.

    I am ClarenceL. Johnson of Dayton, Ohio. I was the first African American Male to be hired by a major Health Department (The Combined Health District of Montgomery County) as Coordinator of itd AIDS Activity Program (1987). During this time period, most African American would not be associated with HIV infection in no kind of way. In Ohio White Women, whose sons who had became ill as a result of HIV infection, were the advocate in an effort to educate the public about HIV disease.

    Upon becoming the Coordinator of the AIDS Activities Prohram for the Health Department it was my responsibility to educate the citizens of Montgomery County on HIV infection.

  2. emad says:

    After greeting: Inside the cell is immune, especially (cd4) or (T4) main protein or chemical function analysis and the dismantling of the genetic code of the substance protein or chemical on the outer surface of the virus and then the break and crush and destroy any bacteria or virus enters the cell and that there on the outer surface of the AIDS virus (hiv) of a chemical or protein function this article to protect the virusAnd around it and protect its components I have a question for you what happens when the AIDS virus (hiv) to enter into the cell immune? The answer is when it enters the AIDS virus into the cell immune based Article protein or chemicals inside cell immunological analysis and the destruction of Article protein or chemical on the outer surface of the AIDS virus (hiv) becomes the virus is exposed to falling who shall bar (RNA) to the To the AIDS virus connects the with (RNA) of the cell immune begin cell working for the virus to print new viruses from AIDS also I have a question why empties the AIDS virus payload into the cell immune or why losing AIDS (hiv) external surface when it enters into the cell immune very important question? Answer: Because the virus (hiv) loses shield him inside the cell immune because the article protein or chemicals inside the cell immune function to analyze and destroy the genetic code of the substance protein or chemical on the outer surface of the virus (hiv), which leads to make the contents of the AIDS virus exposed So should scientists Taking this Article protein or chemical in the cell immune and placed on the outer surface of the AIDS virus (HIV) whereupon this Article protein or chemical analysis and the destruction of the protective cover to the AIDS virus which is outside the cell immunity is within the human body and has therefore been the destruction of the AIDS virus (hiv) outside the scope of palpability with the cell should researchers and doctors to take this material from the cell and immunological studyIs the destruction of the AIDS virus (hiv) outside the scope of groping with the cell should researchers and doctors to take this article of the immune cell and study its contents and find a vaccine of this article, the protein becomes immune cell medicine will cure us of AIDS o

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