Marines Blog

The Official Blog of the United States Marine Corps

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Archive for January, 2011

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    Corps faces change, but remains true to legacy

    The Marine Corps is changing. We’ve been landlocked in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly 10 years. We utilize equipment long after its life expectancy. We deploy at high operational tempos. Even still, Marines have never  [Read more...]

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    No imminent change to the BAH policy

    A recent Marine Corps Times article raised concern for non-commissioned officers throughout the Corps – unmarried ones that is. The article states that fewer single-sergeants and below will be allowed to move off base in  [Read more...]

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    Will Afghanistan be forgotten?

    In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion article, an interesting question was asked. Will Afghanistan be a forgotten war? It’s difficult for me to wrap my head around this idea. To even pose the question  [Read more...]

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    Despite budget cuts, Marines remain amphibious

    The current penchant by some for questioning the Marine Corps’ need for an amphibious tracked vehicle suggests an ignorance of history and a lack of understanding of the future; it is unsupported by hard lessons learned, world trends, and a security environment characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. Our Nation will most certainly require continued global access from the sea, and just as certainly there are forces at work that are actively and aggressively attempting to deny us that much needed access.